In aNewSpring there are a total of eight different roles a user can have. With Roles you can give users certain Rights within aNewSpring. With rights you determine which users can and do certain things within the platform.

Below the roles are being described, accompanied by the functionalities that are available to them. You can click on several of these functionalities to learn more about them in other support articles.

Only for the Learner role a licence will be deducted.

Would you rather follow a brief learning journey about roles and rights? Follow the Mini Masterclass in our Academy by clicking on the link below:

Mini Masterclass - Roles & Rights


This role is available to the one who created the learning environment at first. This person will also be Administrator. It is possible for this person to grand the tenant role to other users. It is only possible for the Tenant role to see the tab Settings where he can do the following:

For some settings you need the help of our support heros. Because of our ISO certification, we want to make sure that someone is authorized to have something set by us. Therefore, only tenants can request the following from us:


Manages the learning environment, but has less rights then the Tenant role. The Administrator can do the following:


Can create educational materials such als questions and content parts in the content library. The Administrator has granted the Author the rights to do this. This role can do the following:


Can create learning journeys from existing content. The Administrator has to grant access to the content libraries he/she has to use in order to make a learning journey. The Designer can do the following:

If a Designer is also an Author, he can also edit and create content via the course template.


The Instructor has the possibility to guide and coach learners. This role can be added to a course if the option 'Learning journey with instructors' is set in the template. He can do the following:

With this functionalities the Administrator has several options they can switch on for the specific Instructors:


The observer is a third party person that can check the effort and progress of the learners. This role can be linked to any course type. He has the following option:

The moderator is an additional function of the observer role. What he can do is: 


Only for the Learner role a licence will be deducted from the licence balance. 

The Learner is the one that follows the course. His options are totally depending on the setting the Designer and the Administrator have set for his or her course. This are the functionalities the Learner can do:


The Reseller manages the catalogue and access codes for learners. With the access codes the learners can gain access to courses. The Reseller can do the following for his/her subenvironments: