○ How do I create a content library?
You need the Administrator role to create or delete a content library and to give users rights for the content library.
Content libraries are created under the tab. To create a new content library click +Content Library. You can now give a name to the content library.
You need the Author role with rights for the content library, to manage and get access to the content library.
The different tabs of a content library explained
To add content to a content library click next to the content library to open the content library. You can find different tabs in the content library which will be explained below.
On the Settings tab you change some settings of the content library. For example you can change the language setting of the content library. This setting determines the language of the feedback that is shown after answering questions.
You can also change the canvas settings for questions and content parts all at once on the Settings page.
If you also have the role of administrator, you can also link other authors and/or designers to this content library via the Settings page.
Under the tab Pages you can create content parts and questions and add them to the content library.
Under the Files tab you can upload files that you can use in your content parts and questions.
Files you upload in a content part or question will also be added to the Files tab.
Under the Certificates tab you can upload pdf files that you can use in Certificate activities. Certificates can be used to hand out to a learner at the end of a learning journey.
Under this tab you can upload SCORM packages. These SCORM packages can later be added to SCORM activities in the template.
Under the Glossary tab you can add new terms by clicking the +Term button. You can add a term and a definition.
If you link the glossary to a template, the terms added to the glossary will be underlined in the content parts that are used in activities. The learner can hoover over these words an read the definition.
Under Measures you add measures. Measures are skills that the learners can score points on. Measures can be linked to Matrix-questions.
Exam terms
Here you can add exam terms. If an assessment needs to follow a test matrix or standard, it would be useful to link the questions for the assessment to exam terms. The questions will then randomly be selected following the set exam terms so each assessment is different.
If you are on the page with all content libraries you can click the More button next to a content library. In the drop-down menu you find several options regarding the content library, such as the Import and Export options. With this you can import and export content from/in the content library.
Here you can read more about importing and exporting content:
○ Importing and exporting content
If you want to delete a content library, select this library and click the icon of the bin. You can only delete a content library when the content library isn't in use anymore and isn't linked to a template. You can also delete a content library by clicking the More button next to the content library and the choose Delete.
If you would like to know which templates are linked to a content library, then click the icon in the column In use.
In this video from our Success Framework, we show you step by step how to create a content library:
Would you like some help creating powerful content for your learning journeys? Our Training Improvement Engineers can help you! Read more about their services and get in touch with them on their website:
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