Scenarios for exporting

  • You want to export your content as back-up and save it on you computer.
  • You want to replace content from one content library to another content library. This can be done by exporting your content and import this content into the other content library. 

Scenarios for importing

  • You are going to create content in aNewSpring for a new learning journey and you already have a lot of images and files you want to make use of. If you don't want to upload them one by one, you can do this by using the import function.
  • You want to make use of SCOM.
  • You created questions in Excel (this file can be converted by the support heroes) and want to import the questions into your content library.

Which role do you need?

  • Author

Go to the tab Content and click on More. Then choose Import or Export from the drop-down menu.

Another way to import and export content is clicking on the Manage option when in the Content tab. Next, choose Import or Export.


The questions that are developed in aNewSpring can be exported as IMS-QTI standard, so other aNewSpring environments and other LMS that support this can import the questions. The content parts are being exported in HTML. The export will be saved in a zip file on your computer.


You are able to choose from several options when importing content. These are listed below.

Internal content

Content that you exported from another content library in aNewSpring can be imported in another content library by ticking the Internal content option.

External content

Content that has been made in another LMS can be imported in aNewSpring. This can be one of the following formats:

  • ZIP: Separate files that should all be imported at once.
  • XML: IMS-QTI-questions with incorrect file paths.
  • HTML: Content parts with incorrect file paths.

The file paths will be generated automatically when imported in aNewSpring.

Supplemental files

Separate files that you would like to use in questions or content parts can be uploaded via this option. When you import supplemental files you have to choose whether you want to use them in content parts or questions, because the files are being saved in different folders on the server. When checking the box, you will be able to choose one of these options.

Import files all at once

It is possible to import all the files at once in aNewSpring.
The way you can import multiple files is different for questions and content parts.

  • Content parts:
    Create a folder with the exactly named 'content'. Next, put all the (downloadable) files you want to use in the content parts into this folder (for example images and pdf's).
  • Questions:
    For questions you can only import images and sounds. Create a different folder for images exactly named 'images' (only .png, .jpg and .gif). For sounds you'll need to create a folder exactly named 'sounds' (only .mp3).
  • Put all folders in a ZIP file and import as Internal content.

You can find a more complete specification here.

To keep an overview you can create a folder structure within the content, images and sounds folders.

When importing content, the files in the .zip file shall not exceed the maximum size of 512MB. The total size of the complete .zip file that will be imported, shall not exceed the maximum size of 1,6GB.
When importing a .zip file that is bigger than the maximum size of contains files bigger than the maximum size, an error message will appear. 

SCORM 1.2 package (ZIP)

Sharable Content Object Reference Model (SCORM) is a certain standard which makes it possible to measure and exchange data between different learning systems. Read more about how to import SCORM and and adding SCORM to a template.

Certificate (PDF)

aNewSpring offers the possibility to provide learners with certificates. Read more about it in this article: 'Create activity: Certificate'.
Upload certificate files under the tab Certificates in the content library.

Pay attention

Spaces in file names. When there are spaces in file names there is a chance that the image can't be recognized in the system. Preferably replace these spaces by an underscore "_".

Special characters in file names. For example &, ?, :, ;, |, \, /, <, >, #. In most cases the system does not accept these characters for file names and would often give an error. Just to be sure, please check if your file name contains any special characters before importing them.

Flash files are no longer supported by iOS devices (iPad, iPhone etc.). Possibly, Flash doesn't work properly on other systems as well. We recommend not to use Flash if possible.