
  • You have lot of content libraries. With tags you can create a structure. 
  • Multiple authors are creating content. To know who is working on which content, their names can be linked to the libraries they are working on. Using the filter feature, you can show only the content libraries with your name. 
  • There are many content parts and questions that are outdated versions. You assign them a tag 'Old' and hide them from your overview using the filter feature.

Which roles do you need?

  • Author
    You can create and / or manage tags in the tag collection to which you have access.

Go to the Content tab.

1) Add tags to a content library

You can only add tags if you have the management rights for a tag collection.

Click the + button at the content library that you want to add a tag to.

Or select multiple and click the Tags button.

Next, click + Tag. Enter a name, pick a colour and choose the collection to which you want to add the tag. Finally, click Create.

The selected tags are also linked to the selected content libraries. Add more tags or click Apply.

2) Create a relevant overview with the filter feature

In the menu, click the button Filter by to see only content libraries that have a specific tag.

The filter can be set so that the search results match all selected, one or none of the tags.

If the Filter by button has a blue border, this means that a filter is active and that some items might be hidden. This filter will be saved as long as you stay logged in to aNewSpring.

3) Add tags to questions and content parts

To do this, click Manage at a content library.

In this example, we tag all questions that need to be used in an assessment. A designer can easily filter these questions when designing the assessment and then select all of these questions at once.

Adding tags to questions and content parts actually works the same as adding tags to content libraries as you can find above. Select the questions, click the Tags button and create a new tag.

You can also filter on tags within the content library. In the menu, click the button Filter by to see only content libraries that have a specific tag.

The filter can be set so that the search results match all selected, one or none of the tags.

4) Removing tags

The overview shows the first 3 characters of each tag. By clicking the tag icon, you will see the full name in a tool-tip. Click the tag icon below the tags in this tool-tip to unlink the tag in a pop-up.

You can also do this in bulk by selecting multiple questions/content parts and clicking the Tags button.

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