○ The communication centre
In the communication centre you can find all incoming and outgoing messages, social notifications and general notifications.
Where can you find the communication centre?
You will find the communication centre by clicking the Envelope next to your name. Click the message or click Messages & Notifications to go to the Inbox. Click the icon of two speech bubbles to see the social notifications of discussion messages in a course. Click the message to go to the discussion directly. Click the third icon to open the General notifications.
Messages in the communication centre can be divided in three categories:
Under the tab Messages you can find the messages that learners or instructors sent. Here you can also create and send new messages and announcements.
Sending messages
Via the button New message you can create a new message. Receivers of the message can also reply to the message.
If you send a message, you first select the course and then you select the specific learners (and instructors) that should receive the message.
Messages can be sent by learners and instructors.
An announcement is a message that you can send to all learners in a course. It is not possible to select specific learners that receive the accouncements. Announcements can't be responded to.
Users with the role of administrator also see the announcements in their inbox. Every user can move announcements to the bin. The sender of the announcement and administrators can also do this for the learners that received the announcement.
An announcement can only be sent to a course if the option 'Allow learners to communicate with instructors' under 'Learning journey with instructors' is enabled in the template settings of the course.
Instructors that are linked to the course can send an announcement to the course. Administrators and resellers can also send announcements to courses.
Deleted messages can be found in the Trash bin. where you can also permanently delete them.
Social notifications
Under the tab Social notifications you can find notifications about new discussion messages (in activities) in a course.
Instructors that are linked to a course where a discussion message was placed, also receive a notification about this new discussion message.
Other learners that are subscribed to the course also receive a notification about a new discussion message.
Depending on the course settings and if the learner already started the course, learners can also receive notifications about new discussion messages when they didn't participate the discussion yet.
General notifications
Under General notifications you find different notifications. This could be a notifcation about a completed hand-in assignment activity that should be assessed.
Learners also find notifications here about new course subscriptions or new available activities in the course.
Want to learn more about the communication centre? Then watch this video from our Success Framework: