aNewSpring has eight different roles that you can assign to a user. To the roles you can assign Rights, which decide what users can or can't see or do.


  • You employ various people who create content and use it to make learning journeys. 
  • You want to give an administrator specific rights to, for example, only manage events.
  • You want to appoint a person who will manage the catalogue.

Go to step 2 if you've just manually added a user

Or first manually create accounts for new aNewSpring users.

Go to the Users tab to find the user in the list and click .

1) Select the roles for this user and click Update

Tip: Don't you know which role to assign to whom? Take a look at the detailed list of rights per role.

After assigning the roles, the tabs for the roles that you have checked will appear.

2) Click on the tabs to set the specific rights per role

In the following articles we explain what you can set per tab and role. 

When you make someone an author and / or designer, they can't get started until you've given them access to content libraries.

3) Give the user access to a tag collection

If the new user has the author, designer, administrator and / or reseller role, you can link them to a tag collection by clicking More.

You can assign two types of rights. Choose Use tags if this user is allowed to see tags and link them to items.

Also choose Manage tags if this user is allowed to add, edit and remove tags.

Related articles

Do you want to follow a brief learning journey about the roles and rights you can give users in the platform? Follow the Mini Masterclass about roles and rights in our Academy. Click the link below:

Mini Masterclass - Roles & Rights