
  • You have lot of templates and courses. With tags you can create a structure. 
  • Multiple designers are creating learning journeys. To know who is working on which template, their names can be linked to the template they are working on. Using the filter feature, you can show only the templates with your name.
  • There are many templates and courses that are outdated versions. You assign them a tag 'Old' and hide them from your overview using the filter feature.
  • The learning environment has submanagement enabled. A tag collection can been added for each subenvironment so only administrators that have rights for that subenvironment can use them.
  • You work with resellers that all manage their own courses. By creating an own tag collection for each reseller, they can add tags to courses the way they like without other users seeing these.

Which roles do you need?

  • Administrator
    Can create tag collections and give permissions to the right users.
  • Designer and/or Reseller
    Can create tags and manage the tag collection that they have permissions for.

What is a tag collection?

All created tags can be found in a tag collection. You can create multiple collections with tags and ensure that not everyone has to see all tags that have been created in aNewSpring.

Are the tags intended for internal use or for the learners?

Before adding tags, consider whether you want to make them visible to learners. It is better to put these in a different tag collection than the tags intendend for internal use.

Go to the templates tab.

1) Add tags

You can only add tags if you have administrator rights for a tag collection.

Click on  at the template or course for which you want to add a tag.

Or select multiple courses and click on .

Then click on . Enter a name, choose a colour and select the relevant collection. Next, click Create.

The tags that are selected, are also linked to the selected template. Add more tags or click on .

2) Remove tags

In the overview, the first 3 characters of the tags are displayed. By clicking on , you can see the full names. Click on  at the bottom to unlink tags.

You can also do this in bulk by selecting multiple templates and clicking on  at the top of the page.

3) Create a relevant overview using the filter feature

Click Filter by in the menu to display only templates or courses with a specific tag.

The filter can be set so that the search results match all selected, one or none of the tags.

If the Filter by button has a blue border, this means that a filter is currently active and elements are hidden from the page. 

The filter will be saved while you are logged in to aNewSpring.

4) Make the tags visible to learners on the homepage

With the administrator role you can set the tag collection to make the tags visible for learners. To do this, see step 3 in the Manage tag collections article.

Afterwards learners will see and filter the tags on the homepage.