
  • You are going to create a lot of questions with the same settings.
  • You would like to create questions with a basic layout without the use of the plus-editor.

To quickly add questions to the environment, you can use a CSV file to import these questions.

Required roles


1) Download the example file

First download the example file. The CSV file has a number of columns of which you should not edit the names. Carefully read the explanations about the columns below to prevent mistakes.

2) Fill in the CSV file very accurately

Below you can find an explanation of all columns of the CSV file one by one.

Note! The file has to be filled in very accurately to be sure the questions are imported correctly and without error. Please read the instructions below carefully.

Ident (obligatory, max 21 characters)
This column requires a unique code (for example ABC-001), to tell the system that each row contains a different question. If you want to import a second file into the same content folder and you use the same Ident for a question, this question will be overwritten.

Folder (optional)
Enter the name of the folder in which you want to place the questions. You can put questions in a sub folder by adding a '/' between the folder names: First_folder/Second_folder. You can create as many layers as you want. If you do not enter a folder name, the questions will be placed in the main folder. If you add here a folder name that doesn't exist in the content library, this new folder will be created.

ExamTerm (optional)
Enter the exam term. For more information about exam terms, read this article: 'What are exam terms?'

InternalLink (optional)
You can add information (a referal to a content part) to the feedback of a question. Enter the exact title of the content part here. Do not enter the title if the content part has an ID. Then enter 'ID|' and add the content part ID. Example: ID|123

UseInternalLinkDefaultTitle (obligatory if InternalLink has been used)
Enter No if the title for 'More information' should be the same as the title of the content part. Enter Yes if the title should be 'More information'.

CaseText (optional)
You can add information (a referal to a content part) to the question. Enter the exact title of the content part here. Do not enter the title if the content part has an ID. Then enter 'ID|' and add the content part ID. Example: ID|123 

UseCaseTextDefaultTitle (obligatory if CaseText has been filled in)
Enter No if the title for 'More information' should be the same as the title of the content part. Enter Yes if the title should be 'More information'.

Type (obligatory)
Enter the abbreviations of the type of questions that you want to use. Also see this article: 'What question type should I choose?'

  • MC = Multiple choice (only one correct answer),
  • MR = Multiple response (a combination of answers is correct),
  • E = Open question,
  • FiB = Fill-in-the-blank,
  • HS = Hotspot question. We advise you not to use an Excel file for this type of question, because it is easy to make mistakes with the coordinates in the column 'Answer1'.

Evaluation (optional)
Enter No if you want to use questions of the type Knowledge. Enter Yes if you want the question type to be an Evaluation type question.
If you don't fill in this field (correctly), it will be interpreted as No by default.

Encode (optional)
Enter No if you use HTML codes/tags. Special characters can also be handled as HTML, so take that into account (for example: Fill in & for the & character).
You can use HTML tags to make text bold or italic for example. If you do not want to use this option, enter Yes. Special characters and line breaks will automatically be converted to HTML this way.
If you don't fill in this field (correctly), it will be interpreted as No by default.

ID (optional)
You can have a clearer overview by entering an ID, it 'identifies' the question and it is only visible to you. If you make us of this, make sure that each question has an unique ID.

Title (obligatory)
Enter the title of the question. It needs to be unique, unless you have entered an unique ID.

Question (obligatory)
Enter the question.

Image (optional)
Enter the file name of an image that you want to add to the question. More information about importing these images into the content library later in this article.

Sound (optional)
Enter the file name of a sound file that you want to add to the question. More about importing these sound files for the questions later in this article.

Before (optional)
This is for FiB questions. Here you can enter the text that comes before the input field.

Answer1 - Answer12 (at least one answer is obligatory)
For MC and MR questions you can enter multiple answers into different columns. For FiB questions you need to fill in Answer1. You can fill in multiple answers, but if you do this, you cannot edit your FiB question any more after it has been imported into aNewSpring. For an E question you can only enter the model answer into Answer1. For a hotspot question you should enter the coordinates to the correct area of the image.

AbcVisible  (optional)
No = if the ABC formating for the answers has to be hidden.

After (optional)
This is for FiB questions. Here you can enter the text that comes after the input field.

Shuffle (obligatory)
Enter Yes if you want to shuffle the answers. Enter No if you want them in a fixed order.

FiBType (obligatory when using FiB)
You need to use this for FiB questions. Enter String if learners can enter all kinds of characters. Enter Decimal if they can only enter numbers.

CaseSensitive (obligatory)
Yes = case sensitive, No = Not case sensitive.

HSType (obligatory when using HS)
Enter 'Bounded'. This column is for HS questions. We advise you not to use an Excel file for this type of question, because it is easy to make mistakes with the coordinates in the column 'Answer1'.

HSImage (obligatory when using HS)

MaxScore (obligatory)
You can put this by default on 1.0. If you want to make a question count extra you can enter 2.0 for example.

Correct (obligatory when using MC and MR questions)
Only for MC and MR questions. For MC questions you should enter one number (e.g. 3) which corresponds with the correct answer. For MR questions you can enter multiple numbers, divided by a comma and without spaces.

Feedback1 - Feedback12 (optional)
For FiB questions and MR questions you can only fill in Feedback1 and Feedback2. In Feedback1 you should enter the correct feedback. In Feedback2 the incorrect feedback. For MC questions you can fill all cells in these columns. If the learner chooses Answer1, they will see the text of Feedback1, etc.
If you leave these columns empty, standard feedback will be generated.

Locale (optional, but advised)
If you leave the Feedback columns empty, the feedback will be generated automatically. Use this column to indicate which language to use to generate the feedback. If you leave this column empty, the feedback will be generated in Dutch. Enter the two-letter combinations like below. The options are:

  • En for English
  • Es for Spanish
  • Fr for French
  • It for Italian
  • Nl for Dutch
  • Zh for Chinese (simplified)

3) Save the CSV file

Are you finished with filling the CSV file? Save it as a UTF-8 encoded file. 

4) Place the images and sound files in a zip file

If you want to import images and sound files along with the CSV file you can import these files by placing them in a zip file. More information on this folder should be structured can be found in the article ○ The import / export file of a content library.
Read the explanation under Folder images and Folder sounds.

5) Import the questions, images and sound files into the content library

After the import file has been filled in correctly and you added images and sound files to the zip file, you can import your content into the content library via the Content page. Click the Import button after opening the content library where you want to import these questions. 

Here you can choose the option 'internal content', for both the question file and the zip file with images and sound files.