
  • You want to add instructors to a course so that they can communicate with the learners, assess assignments and create calendar items. You can put them
  • You want to add several people to the course who can only view the progress of the learners. You put them in an observer group for this. 
  • You want to appoint moderators to review instructors' assessments.

What role do you need?


You can only link instructors and observers to courses by using groups. The advantage of groups is that you only have to create the group with instructors and/or observers once and then you can link it to several courses.

Click  under the tab. You will see a tab per group and the interaction works the same in both tabs.

1) Create the instructor/observer group

Are you not sure whether to make someone an instructor or observer? Then see what users can exactly do within these roles in the article The roles and rights you can give users in aNewSpring.

Click +Instructor group or +Observer group and fill in the name in the pop up.


2) Add the instructors/observers to the group

Click the Add button to place them in a group.

Isn't the user in the list? Then first give him the right role.

When you want to add a lot of instructors and observers to groups, it can be time-saving to import them.

Unlinking instructors/observers from the group

If you have accidentally linked the wrong user to a group, you can click Remove. Or click Edit next to a group and then you can unlink instructors/observers in bulk.

You can check multiple checkboxes at once by clicking and dragging.

Link the subenvironment and other settings (optional)

This step is optional. If you link a subenvironment, users with the Reseller role (that also have access to that subenvironment) can link the group to a course they create.

To do this, click More and Link subenvironments.

Has access to ...

You will find the courses that are linked to the group.

External ID

Fill this in if you want to import instructors or observers to a group.

3) Add the groups to a course

Find more information in the articles below about linking instructor groups and observer groups to courses. 

You can give instructors specific rights in the course.