
  • You have created multiple learning journeys which are part of the same set of courses. You want to easily subscribe learners to all these courses at once. 
  • Learners are subscribed to multiple learning journeys, and you want to clarify which learning journeys are part of the same group. 
  • You want to subscribe learners to a series of courses, in which the learning journeys have to be completed within a specific order. 

Required roles


Differences between bundles and bundle courses

A bundle is a collection of learning journeys which belong to a series. For example, a psychology course which takes several years.
Within the bundle 'Psychology', 6 templates are bundled: 

  1. Introduction
    This template is relevant for all learners and will be used in multiple bundles.
  2. Psychology year 1
  3. Psychology year 2
  4. Psychology year 3
  5. Psychology year 4 
  6. A learning journey for a collaborative project with the pedagogy students. 

Within a bundle, you create a bundle course so that you can make different groups of learners who follow the same collection of learning journeys.

Below is a schematic overview using a series of courses for effective communication as an example. The bundle course is made for learners from the region of Rotterdam. Another bundle course could then be made for the learner from, for example, Utrecht. 

1) Enable bundles in your learning environment

Go to and enable Bundles under Additional functionalities

Go to and you will see two tabs: Templates & Courses and Bundles

2) Give an administrator the proper rights

Once you enable bundles in your environment, all administrators gain two additional rights: 

  • Create and manage bundle courses
  • Subscribe learners to bundle courses

You can disable these rights if necessary.

3) Create a bundle

Click and give the bundle a name. Learners will not see the bundle name, but they will see the title of the bundle course we will create later.

Once you have created a bundle you can provide a title and a description. These will be visible in all bundle courses you create for this bundle. Learners will see the description on the Home page. 

You can also add an image which will then automatically be used for all bundle courses within this bundle. This works similar to adding an image to a learning journey

4) Add templates to your bundle and put them in the correct order

Click , select all templates you want to include in the bundle and then click.

Select the templates and use the arrow buttons the change the order of the templates. This way you can decide in which order learners will see the courses in their bundle.

5) Create a bundle course

Once all linked templates are published, you can create a bundle course. 

Click and give your bundle a name. Your name can differ from the title of the bundle, which will be visible to the learners.

Click  and select per template the course you want to include in the bundle course. Click  to create your bundle course.

You have not (yet) added the right courses to the bundle course

No problem! It is possible to add templates and course courses to a bundle course afterwards, or to remove them. 

Click View next to the bundle you want to edit. On the tab Bundle content you can add templates to your bundle by clicking the button Add templates

When selecting the template(s) to add to the bundle, you can choose the option to only add the template to your bundle by clicking the button.
If you also want to link a course to the bundle course, then click the button Add and select course. Then click the blue button Add courses to select the course you want to add to your bundle course.

You didn't add the right templates or courses to the bundle

Do you want to remove a template from your bundle? Then select the template on the Bundle content tab and click the button Remove templates.

The pop up that shows up will give you 3 options for what should happen with the courses and subscriptions that are part of the template that you want to remove:

  • Only remove the course from the bundle course (learners can still access the course).
  • Remove the course from the bundle course and expire the learner's subscription of the course (any progress made will not be deleted).
  • Remove the course from the bundle course and delete any progress that the learners made within the course. The progress of the learner on this course will be deleted. Removed progress cannot be restored.

When viewing a bundle, you only see the linked templates and not which bundle courses are linked to it. You only see those in the bundles overview.

6) Set conditions to unlock courses one by one

7) Subscribing learners

Subscribe learners
You can subsribe selected learners to a bundle. Go to  in the bundle course and click .

With the setting Send an e-mail to the learner(s) regarding this subscription , the mail notification 'New subscription' will be sent. 

Select the learners and click .

You can only select all learners per page. If you have many learners, increase the maximum amount of learners shown per page.

If a learner was already subscribed to a course which is also a part of the bundle course, the course will be shown as part of the bundle on the learner's Home page.

Subscribe a learner group

It is also possible to subscribe a learner group to a bundle. Go to in the bundle course and click Select group.

With the setting Send an e-mail to the learner(s) regarding this subscription , the mail notification 'New subscription' will be sent. 

Select the learner group(s) and click .

What will learners see?

Learners will see the bundle on their Home page. Clicking the bundle will show all the courses included in it. 

If you have linked tags to the courses and made them visible for learners, those will also be visible on the bundle's tile. 

8) Removing learners from a bundle

Via in a bundle course you have the option to remove a learner from the bundle course. To not also remove the learner's progress, you can pick one of the following three options when you click:

Bundle overview

In the bundle overview, you can find out which templates and courses are linked to the bundle. To do so, click on the icons in the Consists of column. Click the names to navigate to the template or course settings.

The column In use indicates whether learners have subscribed to the bundle.