
  • You want to invite learners for a day of practice, exam moment in the class, an online event, a webinar or another organised event.
  • The event is held on multiple days/times and you want to give learners the opportunity to choose a time.
  • You want to organize a meeting where learners from different learning journeys can take part.
  • You want to register which learners will attend and when.
  • You want to set a minimum amount of participants for an event, so it will only happen when that number is reached.
  • You want to set a limit for the amount of learners that can participate.

Would you rather follow a brief learning journey about events (and webinars)? Follow the Mini Masterclass in our Academy and click the link below:

Mini Masterclass - Events & Webinars

Necessary roles to do this

Administrator and Designer

Because you can make an event available in multiple learning journeys, you will set this up at a higher level. Go to the tab Events.

1) Create an event

Click + Event to create a new event.

If the same meeting takes place multiple times, you can create an event for each time. You can easily copy an event via the More button.

In step 9 you'll link all these events to one activity.

Events with a date in the past are hidden from learners by default, but they can be made visible within the activity.

2) Enter the details of the event

Give the event a description, date, time and location.  

Limit unenrolment

Set a period in which a learner can unsubscribe from an event. Learners can only unenrol until the end of the set time period, once the set time period is finished, learners are unable to unenrol.

3) Determine the event type

In this article we assume an event that takes place physically. But take a look at the article Organizing an online event.

4) Set the amount of learners

Minimum is the minimum amount of registrations that is necessary to hold the event. The participant can see if there are enough participants.
At maximum you can indicate the maximum amount of learners that can register. When that has been reached, no new registrations will be accepted.

5) Set an Event reminder

Under Event reminder you can enable the option that learners will receive a reminder, X days/weeks before the date of the event.

If you would like to add extra information to the e-mail, you can add this in the Extra notes field.

Learners that are enrolled to the event and instructors that are linked to the event will receive the reminder e-mail.

6) Link instructors to the event

You can do this at the tab Instructor by clicking Select instructor. These people can view the event (under the tab Instruct --> tab Events) and see which learners have registered.

If something has been set up at Assessment (see below), instructors can also assess the event.

Instructors also have the option to edit the video conference or webinar link.

Articles that can help with this step: 

7) Set up the assessment (optional)

Under the tab Assessment you can indicate if learners need to be assessed for the event. This is turned off by default (No assessment).

It is possible to edit the terms and colours of the result.

Attendance registration

Choose for Attendance if you want to use the event for attendance registration. Learners will be assessed with 'Present' or 'Absent'.

When an instructor has assessed the event for a learner, the learner will receive a notification.

8) Set the right status for the event

At the top of the page, you can change the Event status. By default, this is set to Unconfirmed, if you know for sure that the event will be held, you can set it to Confirmed. Or you can set it to Cancelled to cancel the event. Registered learners will receive a notification by mail about any change of the status.

The user that has the 'Tenant' role can change the text of the notifications called 'Event status updated' and 'Event assessed'. See Editing notifications.

By default, Enrolment is set to Open. By setting it to Closed, learners can't register for the event anymore.

All events with a date in the past will be automatically closed.

9) Create an event activity in the template

This is a step for the designer. Click the tab Templates and then the button Edit at the template that should have the event. Click and choose Event. If the template had already been published, you can publish the activity right away.

Do you use event groups? Then create a separate activity for each event in the group.

Articles that can help with this step:

10) Link the event to the activity

Link the events to an activity via the Course settings page

Go to the tab Templates and go to the Settings of the course. Go to the tab Activities and .

Click Select Event to add the right event. 

When you use event groups, you will see which events are linked to which group.

You can also link multiple events. This way, you offer learners the option to choose between different dates or times. When they have enrolled for one, the rest will be locked. 

After you click Update, your learners can register themselves.

Link the event to the activity via the Activities tab on the Event page

When setting up the event, you can also link the event to one or more activities via the Activities tab. Before you can link the event to an activity, an Event activity should already be added to the template.

Click the Select event activity buton to link the event to one or more Event activities. Select one or more activities and click Add to link the event to the activity. 

Mandatory event

Are learners obligated to attend the meeting? Then check the box Enrol learners directly to the event when they start with the course. You can only check this box if you link one event to the activity.

Learners will still have the option to unenrol. If you want to prevent this, you can use the setting 'Limit unenrolment' as described in step 2. 

Once learners are enrolled for an event, you cannot unlink the event from the event activity.

If the Calendar widget is enabled in the template, the events a learner is subscribed to, will also be visible in the widget.

Next steps