○ Which activities can I use in a template?
You can add different types of activities to a template that can consist of questions and content parts. Below you will find an explanation for each type and what kind of content you can use with it.
Would you rather follow a brief learning journey about activities and how to choose the right activities for your template? Follow the Mini Masterclass in our Academy and click the link below:
Mini Masterclass - How to choose the right activity?
This is the most commonly used activity because you can add a combination of both questions and content parts. Learners will see the correct answer right after answering the question. You can make it possible for learners to print the content parts.
You can enable or disable the index page (which is shown when opening a completed lesson activity).
Type of content
Scorable question type
Non-scorable question type
Content parts
Documentation is meant for reference materials. Learners don't have to finish this activity, so the course overview doesn't show a start button but a 'Show details' button. This kind of activity is not used for calculating the course progress. You can make it possible for learners to print the content parts.
You can enable or disable the index page.
Type of content
Content parts
This activity is for questions that all have to be answered before getting feedback at the end.
Type of content
Scorable question type
Hand-in Assignment
Let learners upload files that will be assessed by an instructor or the learner.
You can set up the activity so learners can see each others work and discuss about it with eachother.
Type of content
One content part (optional as the description of the assignment)
Read more about Hand-in assignment activities:
○ Set up a hand-in assignment
Video hand-in assignment
The idea is the same as the hand-in assignment, but learners can record a video with their webcam and hand that in.
Type of content
One content part (optional as the description of the assignment)
Read more about the video hand-in assignment:
○ Set up a video hand-in assignment
For an assessment you can set a score as a threshold that will determine whether the learner has passed or failed.
By generating the assessment randomly from a set of questions, each assessment will be different.
Turn this into a trial exam by indicating that it can be completed multiple times. Or use this as a real exam with one or more retries.
Should the exam meet the requirements of a test matrix? Add each question to the right exam term and generate the assessment randomly based on the exam terms.
Type of content
Scorable question type
Read more about Assessment activities:
○ Set up the assessment activity
Ask the learner questions that have no right or wrong answers. This is often used as an evaluation at the end of a learning journey to ask the learners about their experience of the course.
Type of content
Non-scorable question type
Content parts
Scans are self-evaluations and use measures. These are competences that learners can get a specific score to.
To create a profile, you need to use matrix questions with measures. More information: Matrix - Non-scorable question type.
Add a profile and select the measures that apply to a profile. After a learners finishes the scan, they will see their score on a profile.
Type of content
Non-scorable question type
Content parts
Read more about the Scan activity:
○ 360° feedback and Scan activity
360° feedback
360° feedback activities are the same as scans, but afterwards learners can invite (external) assessors to answer the same questions. This way the learners can compare the answers to get a better view of themselves and their progress.
Type of content
Non-scorable question type
Content parts
Do you want to read more about setting up the 360° feedback activity? Then read this article:
○ Tutorial: setting up the Scan or 360° feedback activity with measures and profiles
The Survey activity is used to add surveys that are not created on template or course level. This makes it possible to use the same survey in more templates and all results of the same survey will be collected on the same place instead of collected per course.
In the Survey activity you can ask learners about their general experience of the learning environment for example.
Type of content
Read more about Surveys:
○ The Survey functionality: an introduction
With SCORM it is possible to use external content in a course.
Type of content
SCORM package
○ Adding SCORM to a course template
○ Play SCORM in aNewSpring
You can use this activity to award learners with a certificate. You can automatically fill the certificate with the personal data of the learner and the date of issue.
Type of content
○ Create and add a certificate
External activity
An external activity is an activity outside of aNewSpring. For example a practical exam or an external course that will be displayed through LTI.
Instructors can assess the activity for a learner afterwards with a score. Besides this, you can also display an external website by just entering the link.
Type of content
None, if the instructor only has to assess the activity.
Content part
LTI link
External link
Add one or multiple event activities to your learning journey.
Type of content
Linking events to your course.
○ Tutorial: Create events and use them in learning journeys
You can place a link to an online meeting that you have organised at join.me, GoToMeeting or Adobe Connect.
Type of content
External link to webinar tool
○ Set up a webinar activity
Using the form activity, you can show several questions on the same page. Learners do not have to fill in the entire form at once, and can thus progress through it at their own pace. Form activities can be finished by a learner, or you can set them to require completion by an instructor. This allows an instructor to offer feedback before completing the activity. Multiple feedback rounds are possible.
Type of content
Non-scorable question type
By using the reflection activity, learners can answer the same evaluation questions at different points in the learning journey. They can also review their previous answers, to reflect on their progress and development as the learning journey progresses.
Type of content
Non-scorable question type
○ The reflection activity
Do you need some help building an impactful learning journey with a variety of activities? Our Training Improvement Engineers are here to help you! Read more about their services and get in touch with them on their website:
aNewSpring Training Improvement Engineer Service
Related articles
- Tutorial: How do I create a basic course?
Find instructions about adding activities to the template here. - General settings of activities