○ Add information for instructors to a template that is not visible for the learners
- You want to add information for the instructors to a template like instructions or answer models. This information should not be available for learners.
What roles do you need?
- Author (to create the content)
- Designer (to add blocks and activities to the template)
Go to the Templates page and click Edit next to the template where you want to add information for the instructors.
1) Create a block with the condition explicit access
For example, create a new block at the bottom of your template so the block for instructors is separated from the other blocks and activities in the learning journey for learners. Click the Settings button next to the block and go to the Conditions tab to add a condition to the block.
Tip: give the block a recognizable name so all users know that the block is intended as block for instructors and not for learners.
Select the condition Available after a learner has been granted explicit access. When an instructor shadows a course via the Instruct page, the block with this conditions is immediately available for the instructor.
Check the option Hide uncompleted block. This setting ensures that the block is not visible for learners who don't have access to the block.
2) Add one or more activities to the block
You can add one or more Documentation or Lesson activities under the block and link content to the activities.
If you add this block to a template that already has been published, you can use the globe icon to publish the block in the template (and courses).
How do instructors get access to the block?
Once the block has been published and is available for instructors that are linked to courses under the template, instructors can access this block of activities by shadowing the course.
This can be done via the Instruct page. To start shadowing the course, the instructor clicks the eye icon next to the course. The block with information will be accesible for the instructor.