○ Set up a hand-in assignment
- You would like to give learners the possibility to upload files as assignments and hand them in to their instructor.
- You would like your learners to do an assignment on which other learners can give feedback.
Which role do you need?
Go to the Templates tab and click Edit. Under the Template tab you can create a new activity with + Activity. Then choose Hand-in assignment.
1) Fill in the assignment description
If you are going to use the assignment in multiple templates, it's best to put the description in a content part and select that.
Otherwise choose Text editor.
2) Add supporting files (optional)
These can be documents to support the learner with the assignment.
3) Settings for activity completion
After publishing, not everything is adjustable any more. Those settings have been marked with a * below.
Learners complete the activity themselves*
If you don't want to involve instructor with assessing the assignment, you can check this option. Once a learner finishes an assignment, the 'Continue button' in the learning journey will change to a 'View details button'.
When you use this option, you can give learners the possibility to change the title, description and change the uploaded file after submitting.
For the following settings, you should activate Learning journey with instructors on the settings page of the template.
Instructor assesses and completes the activity*
You can decide whether anyone of the linked instructors can assess the actvity or that the learner has to choose a specific instructor to asssess the activity.
If any of the linked instructors of the course can assess the hand-in assignment activity, none of the instructors receives a (e-mail) notification when a learner handed in the activity that is now available to be assessed.
If the learner should choose a specific instructor to hand in the activity, this instructor receives a (e-mail) notification (depending on the e-mail settings in the account of the instuctor) that a learner handed in the activity.
Instructors can mark the assignment as Passed (close activity), Not yet approved or Failed (close activity). If the instructor assesses the assignment with Not yet approved, the learner can hand in a new version for the hand-in assignment. The learner cannot hand in a new version when the instructor assesses the activity with a Passed or Failed.
It is possible to edit the terms and colours of the result.
In published (video) hand in assignments it is possible to switch the setting from 'Learner chooses one specific instructor to assess the activity' to 'Any one of the instructors can assess the activity'. After changing this setting, it is no longer possible to switch back.
Activity can be reassessed
This option is turned on by default and gives the instructor the option to modify the score that was given by the assessor. If the activity has been reassessed, the original date of the first time will continue to be shown to the learners.
External assessor allowed*
The learner has the option to invite someone external to assess his hand-in assignment.
External assessors are not available when the option any one of the instructors can assess the activity is enabled.
External assessors are available when the option one specific instructor assess the activity is enabled.
Add numeric score to assessment*
Check this option if the assessor should grade the assessment. You can use multiple criteria to calculate the final score, or you can have the assessor fill in the final score. If the instructor enters a score lower than the threshold, the learner will have the option to hand in a new assignment, unless the instructor closes the assignment.
After checking the option, extra options will appear to set up the rest of the score. The easiest way to set up a threshold is by choosing Percentage. Would you prefer to round to decimals, whole of half numbers? First read the article How do I set the threshold of an assessment relative to the score?
4) Additional functionalities
For the two options below, you would have to turn on Interaction between learners on the settings page of the template.
Participants can see each other's files
Learners can see each other's assignments, when handed in.
Discussions are allowed in the hand-in assignment
Learners can discuss with each other about their hand-in assignments.
Note: Hand-in button not visible when testing
If you test the activity and/or template, you can see the assignment itself. However, you cannot see the hand-in button nor hand something in to test it. This part only works when the template is published, a course is created and an instructor is linked. A learner can then hand-in the assignment. It looks als follows:

The maximum file size to upload for learners is 512MB.
Related articles
- Set up a hand-in assignment with objectives
- Adding conditions
- Course settings - Instructors tab
To add the right instructors and give them the necessary permissions. - Course settings - Activities tab
To add the right assessor to the hand-in assignment.