○ Play SCORM in aNewSpring
What is SCORM
SCORM translates to Sharable Content Object Reference Model. It is a is standard to create learning content packages. A SCORM package contains information. The output of the package is given in HTML that can be build-up in a variety of ways. How a SCORM is build differs per tool you use to create SCORM. The HTML is being shown in aNewSpring, but is complete determined within the SCORM package itself. Therefore it could be that SCORM doesn't work on each device of in each browser, because this dependend on the HTML that is present in the package. For example it could be that Flash is used in the SCORM; iPads and iPhones do not support Flash, which could cause some confusion amongst the learners.
aNewSpring and SCORM
aNewSpring is certified in SCORM 1.2, the most common SCORM standard around. This version can be imported in aNewSpring. To be certified, you must meet the demands set by the SCORM 1.2 standard. Even with the standard, there are many grey areas about how to display SCORM. Therefore different LMS's and LCMS's that are also certified, can handle certain elements differentely from each other.
Option: Allow more data in 'suspend_data'
The main reason for why people prefer SCORM 2004 beyond SCORM 1.2 is the fact that there are more characters allowed in the suspend_data. In the Advanced settings of the SCORM activity you can level up the limit to 64.000 characters as to the specification of SCORM 2004.
The name of the SCO
After importing the SCORM package in the content library, the name of the SCO is visible. We retrieve the name from the field 'title' that can be found in the tag 'resource' or 'organization' which are located in the IMSmanifest.xml file.
Overwriting SCORM
If you have found an error in the SCORM it is possible to overwrite it in aNewSpring, by importing a new version of the package. aNewSpring checks the ID that is specified at 'resource: Identifier' and the title at 'lom' in the IMSmanifest.xml file. The ID of the new file has to correspond to the ID in the old version that is allready present in aNewSpring in order to succesfully overwrite the package.
Checkbox 'Always show score'
If you add a SCORM activity to a template, you will find the checkbox 'Always show score' at the advanced settings. If you check this box and within the SCORM a score or time is always recorded, then this will already be visible in the learning journey before it is completed.
When does the learner see which button at a SCORM activity?
The way we complete and show scores of activities such as lessons and assessments are comparable how we handle SCORM activities.
In order to complete a SCORM a 'leson_status' should be given to aNewSpring. This lesson_status should contain 'completed', 'passed' or 'failed'. What is displayed in the button in aNewSpring, depends in the lesson_status that is given:
- Start - Is shown when a learner has not yet opened the SCORM activity.
- Continue - There is not yet given a 'lesson_status' or a lesson_status of 'incomplete' has been given to aNewSpring.
- Details - Lesson_status is 'completed'.
- Score - A score is only shown if it is passed to aNewSpring before the lesson_status is given. Unless the option 'Allow update after completion' is checked.
- Passed - Lesson_status: 'passed'.
- Failed - Lesson_status: 'failed'.
When does the 'Continue' button appear within a SCORM activity?
In the SCORM itself there are usually navigation buttons and to avoid confusion the 'Continue' button, with which you can navigate to the next activity, is only visible once a lesson_status: 'completed' is given to aNewSpring.
Why isn't a new score being registered in aNewSpring?
No lesson_status
The final score of the SCORM has to be given to aNewSpring in order to see a score in the course overview. After the score is given to the platform, a lesson_status has to be given ('completed', 'passed' or 'failed').The SCO itself has to save the answers. If this doesn't (always) happen, it could be that a lesson_status is not sent. This causes the SCORM activity to be incompleted and no score is displayed.
The option 'Allow update after completion' is not checked.
With this option the score will be updated after another try. Even if this score is lower.
Pop-up: Score is possibly not recorded
It is possible that a learner sees a pop-up when returning to the overview before the SCORM activity is finished:
The SCORM 1.2. standard requires a 'run-time' environment, accompanied by a data model which has a storage to save the progress of a learner (often this happens in suspend_data). A 'LMSCommit()' is used to store the data model in aNewSpring.
If the pop-up above is shown the 'LMSFinish();', that results in the session being closed, isn't called upon.
Why are the answers on questions not saved even though the SCORM is closed properly?
This can happen when a learner opens the SCORM activity twice at the same time. For example to view the theory in one screen and to take the test in another, both of which are included in one SCORM activity.
If learners close the tab in which they made the questions first and then close the other tab where they viewed the theory, the last tab will be leading. The SCORM will then tell aNewSpring where the learner was left, but it cannot tell what the answers to the questions were because there are no answers in that tab.
To avoid this scenario you could add the theory and the questions in two separate SCORM activities.
SCORM in the aNewSpring MemoTrainer app
On our side of the SCORM settings we have enabled that the SCORM-activity is responsive to different screen resolutions. It can happen that the SCORM itself is not made responsive or that is not fit to be responsive. In this case it can be that SCORM is not properly displayed in the app.
Display options
On the tab Properties, you can choose how you want to display your SCORM package once learners start it:
- Maximum size
- Relative size
- Absolute size
- Pop-up
Tips & Tricks
How the settings should be configured exactly is depended on the tool you use to create SCORM. It would be great if you could send us any tips or tricks you might have to support@anewspring.com. We can then keep this article up-to-date and also add the tips and tricks.
Make a certificate available after a SCORM is passed.
In aNewSpring you can add conditions to a certificate that allows it to become available after the lesson_status 'passed' is sent. If you want to use this design in aNewSpring, there are two ways to go about it:
- The SCORM itself supports multiple attempts. A lesson_status of 'passed' is only sent to aNewSpring after the SCORM is actually finished.
- Put resits in place. You can do this by adding extra SCORM activities which contain the same SCO. This functions as a resit.
If you use test questions in Storyline, it is important to also create a result slide and publish it with passed/incomplete. aNewSpring then receives the score and the lesson_status of 'passed' or 'failed'.
If you only use theory in Storyline, you will have to choose complete/incomplete. If the SCORM is finished, the lesson_status of 'completed'. Related articles Using SCORM in aNewSpring Please advice the following articles: How to import SCORMAdding SCORM to a template