
  • Learners need to do a practical assignment and they should be assessed by an instrcutor. This assessment should be done by an instructor in aNewSpring and it should be visible for the learners. 

Required roles

  • Designer

Via the page, click Edit next to the template in which you want to add an external activity. Under the Template tab you can create a new activity via the +Activity button. Choose the External activity and click Create & Edit.

1) Add a description

Under Description you can add a description to the activity. For example this can be useful information for the learner or instructor about the assessment.

The information you add to the description is visible for both the learners and the instructors when they assess the activity.

If you don't add a description here, learners won't be able to open the activity until the instructor has assessed the activity for the learner.
When a description has been added to the activity, the learner can already open the activity to view the information added to the description.

2) Enable the correct settings under the Standard settings

Under Standard settings you will find several options. In order to be able to use the external activity to assess the learner, the Assessment possible option should be enabled.

If it should be possible for the instructor to reassess the activity, then also enable the option Activity can be reassessed.

3) Set the scoring settings

After checking Assessment possible, a block will appear called Scoring settings. Here you can choose the settings for the score.

3a) Set the score settings
  • Calculate score based on criteria
    With this setting, the final score is calculated based on the scores given by the instructor on the assessment criteria.

  • Manually set score
    With this setting, the instructor manually enters the final score of the activity.
3b) Set score and passing threshold

Under Score, set how the score for the activity should be displayed: percentage, rounding to integer, rounding to half figures, rounding to decimals.

The threshold is the minimum score a learner should achieve to pass for the assessment.

3c) Add assessment criteria (optional)

New criteria can be added via the +Criterion button. You can add the name of the criterion and optionally specify an external ID. You can also set the maximum score per criterion.

Assessment criteria can be useful if the learner should be assessed separately for specific elements. 

You can change the assessment terms and colors if necessary.

When the activity has been published in the template and there are active learners in the course, linked instructors can immediately assess the external activity for the learners. 

When the activity has been assessed, the learner will see the assessment on the Results overview. To view the given feedback given, the learner can open the external activity via the overview of activities in the learning journey.