1) Creating a template

Choose the 'Templates' tab and click the + Template button to create a template.

Set the properties for the template. You can find more information in the article 'Which functionalities should I activate in the template?'.

You can create a new content library right away or you can select an existing content library if you've already created the content.

Click Create to confirm.

Are you a designer, but can you not add content folders? Ask the administrator for access to the content folders that you need.

2) Creating a course structure

Choose the Template tab. You can create a structure by adding blocks. A block is a collection of learning activities that a learner can open. If you want to learn more about creating blocks, you can watch this video from our Success Framework:

Do you want to add a banner above a block? Then we advise this image will be 300 x 64 pixels.
You can add a banner or text above the block by clicking the Settings button next to the name of a block. Open the Explanation above block and add a text here by using the Text editor or link a content part by clicking Select content part.

You can add learning activities by clicking .

If you want to change the order of your blocks or activities in the template, you can move a block or activity by clicking the six dots in front of an activity or block. Click and move the activity or block to the desired position in the template.

The aNewSpring platform offers several learning activities with each their own specific properties:

  • Lesson
  • Documentation
  • Assignment
  • Skill assignment
  • Assessment
  • Scan
  • Inquiry
  • 360 degrees feedback
  • External Activity
  • Certificate

For specifications per activity read the article 'Which activities can I use in a template?' and 'General settings of activities'.
You can decide to not give your activity a title and let aNewSpring automatically generate one. You can always adjust the title at a later time.

Click  to create the activity and return to the template. If you want to immediately edit your new activity, click .

From the template, click Edit behind the activities that you have created to add content. To do this, choose the Activity content tab. Add questions and content parts directly or choose 'Select content' to select existing content. Finally click Update and next to start filling the next activity with content.

Want to learn more about creating activities in your learning journey? Check out this video from our Success Framework:

3) Testing and publishing

Click on  to see the effect of the lay-out in the course.

Learners can take a course once the template has been published. To do this, click on .

Once a template has been published, not every setting can be changed any more. See What can not be changed after publishing?

4) Creating a course

Once the template has been published, only administrators can add learners to the course. Create a course from the template by choosing the Templates tab.
The title of the course will be visible to the learners.

Choose which subenvironment gets access to this course. See for more information Creating a course.

Do you need help building impactful learning journeys or would you like to receive feedback on your learning journey? Our Training Improvement Engineers are here to help! Read more about their services and get in touch with them on their website:

aNewSpring Training Improvement Engineer service