In some activity types, you can make the option 'Ask instructor' available in the menu of the activity.
Learners can use this button to ask the instructor directly a question about a specific page in the activity (this can be done for content parts and questions).

Read more below about the settings that should be enabled in the template and course to make this button available. 
Here you can also find more information about in which activities the button is avalaible and when it becomes available.

How do you make the 'Ask supervisor' button available in activities?

Settings in the template

To make the button available within activities, a setting should be enabled first on template level under the Template settings tab.

Enable the option Learning journey with instructors under Functionalities.
The underlying option Allow learners to communicate with instructors should also be enabled:

Settings in the course

Now that the settings have been enabled at template level, instructors should be linked to the course on course level so there are instructors available that learners can send their questions to.

The option that instructors can send and receive messages to and from learners should also be enabled so learners can send the instructor a message.
The instructors should be linked to the learners.

You can read more about linking instructors to courses and linking instructors to learners in the following articles:

○ Course settings - Add instructors and observers
○ Link instructor and learner (groups) in a course (see Step 5)

If the settings in the template and course are set up correctly, the Ask instructor button will automatically be available in activities. Read below in which activity types and under which circumstances the button will be available.

In which activity types is the 'Ask supervisor' button available?

The button is available in the following activity types:

  • Lesson activities: for content parts the button is available immediately. For questions the button becomes available as soon as the question is answered and feedback is displayed.
    For questions without a score the button also becomes available after the question is answered.

  • Assignment activities: the button becomes available after all questions have been answered and the activity has been submitted and completed. The button is not available on the results overview, but if the learner navigates to one of the questions within the activity the button will be available.

  • Documentation activities: the button is not immediately available when opening the activity where the table of contents is shown.
    When the learner opens one of the content parts/pages within the activity, the button becomes available.

  • Assessment activities: the button becomes available after all questions in the assessment activity have been answered and the activity has been submitted and completed. 
    The button is not available on the results overview but is available when the learner navigates back to one of the questions within the assessment activity.