In an Assignment activity you can train learners by asking them a series of questions.
Below you can read which settings you can enable in an Assignment activity.

1) Add content

Under the Activity content tab you can select or create questions to link to the activity. 
If you enable the option Ask questions in random order the questions linked to the activity will be asked in random order and the question order will be different for every learner.

2) Set the correct settings for the activity

Under the Properties tab you can change the settings of the activity. 

Standard settings

a) Set who will assess the essay questions
The essay questions can be assessed by an instructor or by the learner themselves.
If the instructor assesses the activity, you can also indicate whether the activity can be reassessed.

Please note: This setting cannot be changed once the activity has been published.

b) Make questions MemoTrainable after the assignment has been finished
If you check the Make questions MemoTrainable after the assignment has been finished check box, the questions from the Lesson activity will become available in the MemoTrainer when the MemoTrainer is enabled the learner has completed the activity.

c) Allow learners to make notes in this activity
If you have enabled the option that learner can take notes in activities in your environment, you can use this setting to determine whether the learner is allowed to take notes in this activity.

You first have to enable this setting on the Settings page of the learning environment. Enable the option Notes under Additional features on the Settings page if you want to enable the option that learners can take notes in activities.
The option to allow learners to take notes also should be enabled on template level.

d) Determine if learners are allowed to go back to alter answers
If you enable this setting, learners can navigate back to questions they have already answered within the activity. If you don't enable this option, learners can't navigate back to questions that already have been answered.

e) Learners can skip questions
If you enable this setting, learners can skip questions in the activity.
If you do not enable this option, the learner has to answer the current question first before navigating to the next question.

If you disable this option, learners can complete the activity without answering all questions. Questions that haven't been answered by the learner will automatically be marked as incorrect.

f) Back to overview (continue later)
Enabling this option allows learners to return to the learning journey overview if the activity has not yet been completed yet.
If this option is disabled, learners can only return to the overview when all questions have been answered and the activity has been submitted.

g) Show learner ranking on result page
If this option is enabled, learners will see their achieved score and the achieved scores of other learners  within this activity on the results overview after completing the activity. They can then see how they did on the Assignment activity compared to other learners that completed this activity.

This setting is only available if the option Interaction between learners is enabled in the template settings and the option A scoreboard that shows the students how they performed in comparison to other learners is also enabled.

Explanation at the start of the activity

You can add an explanation at the start of the activity. When the learner opens the activity for the first time, a pop-up will appear with this explanation.

Advanced settings

Here you can add an external ID to the activity that will generate a QR code . Participants can scan this QR code in the aNewSpring app.

3) Add learning objectives to questions

Under the Learning Objectives tab you can add learning objectives to questions in the activity.
Read the article below to find out what learning objectives are and what you can use them for:

○ What are learning objectives?

4) Add additional MemoTrainable questions

Under the Extra MemoTrainable Questions tab you can add questions that will become available in the MemoTrainer after the participant has completed the activity.

5) Add conditions

Under the Conditions tab you can add conditions to the activity. This sets the activity to only become available after the set condition(s) have been met.

○ Adding conditions to an activity/block
○ What conditions can you set on blocks and activities?