
  • You want to add documentation to the Documentation widget in a learning journey.
  • You want to adjust the MemoTrainer settings, for example allowing learners to prepare for an exam planned for a certain date. 
  • You want to disable specific activities so that learners no longer have to complete them. 
  • You want to receive a notification when learners complete a certain activity. 

Which role is required?

Instructor (with the right to change the settings of the course)

Go to the Instruct tab, click More next to the course and then click Settings. You can also click View next to the course and then open the Settings tab via the Course dashboard. 

If you do not see the settings, you have not been granted permission to use these options. Ask the administrator of your learning environment to grant you these permissions by adjusting the course settings, or by making you an instructor instead of an observer. 

What can be done on the Settings tab?

On the top of the Settings tab you can find several buttons. What can be done by clicking these buttons will be explained later in this article.

Below you can find an explanation what can be done on the Settings page.


Under Documentation you can add extra information or upload files that will become visible for the learners in the Documentation widget. To add files, click to select a file to upload from your computer.
Is the bar with the  icon not visible yet? Then click the text field first to make this menu visible.

Enable the option Send notifications after this documentation update if you want to send learners a notification about the new added documentation.

Do you want to know how learners will see the documentation in the widget? Then click to see how learners see the widget in their learning journey.

Don't see the Documentation widget? You can ask a Designer to enable the widget in the template.

Statistics mail settings

Set up if and on which days you want to receive an e-mail with statistics about the course.
This mail contains information about retention, activity progress, activity scores and progress on questions.

MemoTraining settings

Here you can change the settings of the MemoTrainer. You can learn more about the MemoTrainer in the following article: What is the MemoTrainer? 

Test preparation: The intensity of the MemoTrainings will be adjusted to the time left for the learner to reach the training level. Set up on which date the learners should be optimally prepared on.

Knowledge maintenance: Choose this option if there is no fixed exam date. The learner will continue to receive MemoTrainings until their course expires.

Changes to these settings only apply to learners that are subscribed after these changes have been made. 

Manage activities

At the end of the Settings page you see a list of all blocks with activities that are part of the learning journey that have to be completed by the learner.

(De)activating activities
When you untick the box in the column Active for an activity, that activity will no longer be visible for learners. If you want to make the activity active again, then tick the box again to make the activity visible again for the learners. 

Receive notifications
Tick the box next to an activity in the column Notification if you want to receive a notification when a learner completes the activity. 

Adjust conditions
Designers can add conditions to activities. Those activities are only accessible for learners once these conditions are fulfilled. 

Some conditions can be adjusted at a later moment by the instructor. Click the link Conditions next to an activity to adjust the condition for that activity. The following conditions can be adjusted:

  • Available until date X: the date until when the activity will become available can be adjusted;
  • Available from date X: the date from when the activity will become available can be adjusted;
  • After the learner has been granted explicit access: you can give learners access to activities and blocks with the condition 'explicit access'. 

Give learners explicit access to blocks/activities
You can give learners explicit access to an activity by clicking the Conditions link next to one of the activities in the list of activities of the learning journey. You can also do this by clicking the Manage activity access on the top of the page.

At the left of this page you see the list of blocks and activities that contain the condition explicit access. At the right of the page you see the list of learner you can give access to the activities.

To grant the learner explicit access to an activity, select this activity on the left and select the learner(s) on the right an click the button Link

If you want to unlink the learner from an activity he has access to, you can take the same steps as described above but then click the Unlink button so they learner will no longer have access to the activity. 

What can be done via the buttons at the top of the Settings page?


Click the Update button to save your changes made on the Settings page.

Communication centre

Click this button to open the communication centre to view incoming messages and send new messages within this course.

Manage learners

Administrators can already link learners to instructors via the Templates page when setting up the course. You can adjust these settings via the  button. Click the button  at the top of the page to assign yourself as instructor to a specific group of learners. You can only view statistics and assess activities of those learners.

Click the button Learners to the right of your name. Unlink learners by ticking the boxes in front of their name and then clicking Unlink. Add learners by clicking +Learner

Manage activity access

By clicking the  button you can give learners explicit access to activities.

At the left of this page you see the list of blocks and activities that contain the condition explicit access. At the right of the page you see the list of learner you can give access to the activities.

To grant the learner explicit access to an activity, select this activity on the left and select the learner(s) on the right an click the button Link.