aNewSpring can send several email notifications to users. Most notifications have to be set before they will be sent to users. In the list below you will find which notifications can be sent and when.  

The text of the notifications, except for some order notifications, can be adjusted in the environment settings. Read more about this in Editing aNewSpring notifications

Some notifications are sent directly, such as the account details sent when you create an account for someone. For other notifications, we must first calculate whether a notification has to be sent. This is for example the case for activities with conditions that make them available on a certain date. These calculations are ran during our so-called batch. The batch usually starts around 3 AM GMT+1. In the following hours, the platform performs all necessary actions and notifications are sent. Notifications that are sent during the batch are marked below with an asterisk (*).

Account activated
When users created an account by themselves, they receive a notification with a link to activate their account. 

Users can only create accounts if you offer products in your catalogue that require them to create an account. 

Account created
Notification for users when a new account has been created.

If you use subenvironments, it is important that you are logged in to the subenvironment to which you want to subscribe the learners. When you subscribe learners to the course and decide to send them a notification mail with login credentials, the mail will include a link to the environment you are currently logged in to.

Activities have been added
When a new activity is published in a published template, this notification can be sent to learners to notify them.

Activity available*1
Notification to learners when an activity has become available due to a set condition. 

Activity available until*1 
Can be sent to a learner when an activity or block with the condition "Available until date 'X'" is about to expire.

Whether and how many days in advance this is sent can be set in the condition.

Activity available for period after*1
Can be sent to a learner when an activity or block with the condition "Available during 'X period' after completion of 'Y'" is about to expire.

Activity available from*1
Can be sent to a learner when an activity or block with the condition "Available form date 'X'" has become available. 

1These notifications are also sent when the condition is set to a block. 

Activity available after retention*
Can be sent to a learner when an activity has become available after sufficient retention has been gained.

Activity finished
Is sent to instructors when an activity is completed by a learner. In the setting of the course, it is possible to set for which activities this should apply.

Brush-up course* 
If 'Brush-up course allowed' is enabled for the MemoTrainer in the course, learners will receive a reminder when the MemoTrainer has switched to knowledge maintenance.

Calendar item deleted 
Can be sent to instructors and learners when a calendar item is deleted.

Calendar item updated 
Can be sent to instructors and learners when a calendar item is changed.

Certificate about to expire * 
An expiry date can be set on a certificate. Learners can be informed of this by a notification.

Course part assessed 
This notification is sent to a learner when questions have been assessed by an instructor. 

Documentation updated
Instructors can fill the documentation widget of learners with links to documents and other useful information. They can notify learners of any updates through a notification.

Evaluation completed 
This notification is sent to learners when an (external) assessor has provided feedback on an activity.

Event - Learner enrolled
Administrators can send learners a notification when he enrolls them for an event.
When learners enroll themselves they receive this notification by default as a confirmation.

Event assessed
Learners will be notified when an event activity has been assessed.

Event status updated 
Learners will receive a notification when the status of the event has changed. 

Exam training finished*
This notification is sent to learners when the MemoTraining setting switches to knowledge maintenance. This happens when the 'Brush-up course allowed' is ticked in the setting of the course.

External activity and webinar assessed
Is sent to a learner when external activities or webinars have been assessed by an instructor.

Forgot password 
Sent to a learner when they have forgotten their password.

Form and reflection invite
Sent to instructors when he has been invited to assess a form or reflection activity

Free order logged in
When learners already have an account in the learning environment, they can log in and use the catalogue to order free products. If they do, they receive this notification as confirmation of their order. 

Free order logged out
You can make the product catalogue accessible to people without an account. When someone who is not logged in orders a free product, they receive a notification of this. The notification also contains a link to create an account.

Free order with approval 
You can put products in the catalogue that learners can request. A reseller can then approve the request, after which learners can start the learning journey. This notification is sent to learners to confirm the request.

Instructor planning notification* 
The instructor can schedule activities in the calendar. In this functionality, it can be set that learners receive a notification of the scheduled activity a certain amount of days in advance. The notification will only be sent when learners have not completed the activity yet.

Learner planning notification* 
Learners can plan activities in the calendar and set them so that they receive a reminder. The notification will only be sent when learners have not completed the activity yet. 

This notificaiton is sent to learners when a MemoTraining is available. If the MemoTraining is not completed, learners will receive a reminder for up to one month.

New announcement 
This notification is sent to users when they receive a new announcement. 

New calendar item 
Can be sent to instructors and learners when a calendar item has been added.

New discussion
We send this notification to an instructor and learner when there is a new discussion posted.

Learners only get a notification when the discussion takes place in activities they have already completed.

In the settings of the template, you can indicate that learners only receive a notification if they participated in the discussion.

New message
Instructors and learners get a notification when they receive a new private message. 

New order
Users with the reseller role can receive product notifications when someone has placed a new order.

New subscription 
Administrators can notify learners when they subscribe to a new course. It is also sent when learners are enrolled in courses through a bundle.

If you use subenvironments, then the notification about a new course subscription will be sent from the URL of the subenvironment that was linked first to the course that you subscribe the learner to.  

All other notification mails will use the link of the subenvironment that was first linked to the course at the moment the learner was subscribed to the course. 

Publish course part 
When designers publish an activity in an already published template, they can choose not to make the activity immediately available in the course. They can send the teacher a notification when publishing, asking them to activate the activity in the course settings.  

Reminder user evaluation invite 
Learners can ask instructors/external assessors to complete an evaluation and send a reminder.

Resend login information 
Administrators can change the password of users. By clicking on 'Send login details again' this notification will be sent to the user.

Skill assignment complete 
Sent to an instructor with asses rights when a learner has handed in a hand-in assignment.

Skill assignment invite 
Learners can optionally invite external assessors to review a hand-in assignment. These persons receive an invitation with a link to give feedback on the assignment.

Skill assignment reviewed 
This notification is sent to an instructor or learner when there is a response to a hand-in assignment.

User evaluation invite
To be sent to an instructor when he is invited to complete a 360o feedback activity.

User reflection and form activity invite
Learners can invite instructors to give feedback. You cannot edit the text of this notification

Template notifications* 
Designers can prepare template notifications for learners that are sent under certain conditions.

Users receive these notification in the platform under General notifications. Users can also set up if and when they want to receive e-mails in their inbox about these notifications.
A user can set this up on the Account settings page. Therefore the user clicks his name at the top right. Choose Account settings and then open the tab Settings. Here the user can set up the e-mail notifications.