
  • Learners will get the opportunity to present their results in and outside of aNewSpring.
  • The portfolio can be filled with all kinds of results, such as diplomas, certificates, attended events, results of exams, assessments or other activities, etc.
  • Learners can choose to share the portfolio with other people.
  • Learners can demonstrate that they are qualified for their position.
  • A place is created to present work and reflect on it.

Necessary roles

  • Tenants - To enable the feature
  • Learners - To fill their portfolio

Step 1: Enable the portfolio functionality

Go to the Settings tab and switch it on.

If you disable this later while learners have already built a portfolio, all data will be saved. You can always re-enable the portfolio.

Step 2: Go to the portfolio page

Learners can click on their name and then Portfolio.

A first item has already been added, giving an example and a short explanation of how it works.

By clicking Edit, items can be added and sections created.

Step 3: Filling the portfolio


There is space to add a biography next to the name.


You can neatly categorise the different portfolio items using the sections. For example, a section for certificates, events and passed exams. By clicking the Section title, these can be edited. Click the + Section button to add more.

Portfolio item

An item can be all kinds of things that the learner is proud of: achieved certificates, passed exams, attended events, read books, etc.
If the new item has been achieved within this online environment, the learner will only have to click Add. The only thing to add would be a description.

If a new item will be added from outside this online environment, a form will have to be filled in.

Using the dropdown menu, another icon can be selected. By default, the type is set to Custom, but this can be changed to e.g. Work experience as in the example below.

When you add an attachment using Choose File, you can select multiple files from a folder on your computer and upload them all at once.

Click Save to create the item.
All items can be edited later by clicking the title. You can also change the order using the drag and drop icon:

The button Done editing makes the portfolio definite and you can view it as a whole.

Step 4: Sharing the portfolio

By default, the portfolio is hidden from the outside world, but the learner can share it with whomever they want. To do this, click the Share button. Click Generate link to create a link that can be shared with anyone that should be allowed to view the portfolio. You can always delete this link and hide the portfolio again. A newly generated link should be shared again.

Also, instructors can only view the portfolio once they have received a link from the learner.

Exporting the portfolio

Learners will have the possibility to attach the portfolio to a letter or resumé by clicking Export. This can give a detailed overview of the educations and achieved results.