
  • You want the passwords of your users to meet specific requirements to make sure all users set up a safe password;
  • You want users to change their password after a specific period so they don't log in with the same login credentials for a very long time.

What can be set up for the password policy?

1. The requirements a password should meet

You can specify the following settings:

  • The minimum length of the password (number of characters. The minimum number of characters is by default 8);
  • The minimum number of lower case letters the password should have;
  • The minimum number of upper case letters the password should have;
  • The minimum number of digits the password should have;
  • The minimum number of special characters the password should have.

These settings are optional. This means that not all of these requirements should be set up. For example, we can set up one or two of these requirements.

2. The period after users are required to reset their password

You can also indicate that users are required to reset their passwords after a certain period of time. We set up this period in days. This means that a user should reset the password after every X days.

Wasn't this option enabled yet and will this be switched on now? Then it's possible that users immediately have to change their password after logging in the first time after this option has been switched on if the last change of the password was longer ago then the period that has been set up now. 

This period can be set up separately for the following roles:

  • Learner
  • Instructor
  • Author
  • Designer
  • Observer
  • Administrator
  • Reseller
  • Tenant

It is not mandatory to indicate the same number of days for every role. You can specify the number of days a user should reset the password per role. It is not mandatory to specify a period for each role.

You can send a request to change the password policy to our Support Heroes. To do this, send a message to
It is important that this request is sent from the e-mail address of a tenant of the environment.