○ Make the login page available in multiple languages
- You have learners that all speak different languages and you want to make the login page and catalogue available in the language of their choice.
Only one default language can be set for a (sub)environment. This language determines for example the language of the login page of the subenvironment and the language of the catalogue.
However, it is possible to make the login page and the catalogue available in different languages. You can do this by adding a language code to the URL of the learning environment. Read below how you can do that.
How do you add the language to the URL of the learning environment?
To specify the language for the login page and catalogue via the URL, you have to add a language code to the URL.
If you have the URL of the learning environment, for example example.anewspring.com and you go to this address, it will automatically be changed to example.anewspring.com/do?action=home in the address bar of the browser.
Use this URL as the basis and then add a language code to it. You do this by entering the code '&dl=[language]' after '=home'. Replace [language] with the code of the language that corresponds to the language in which you want to display the login page.
Replace example.anewspring.com for the URL of your own learning environment.
Which code belongs to which language?
- da (Danish)
- de (German)
- el (Greek)
- en (automatically becomes British English)
- en_AU (Australian English)
- en_GB (British English)
- en_US (American English)
- es (Spanish)
- fr (French)
- hu (Hungarian)
- it (Italian)
- nl (Dutch)
- pl (Polish)
- pt_br (Portuguese)
- ro (Romanian)
- sv (Swedish)
- zh (Simplified Chinese)
Replace one of these language codes for [language] in the URL.
Do you want to show the login page and catalogue in French? Then you put 'fr' instead of [language] in the URL.
You then get example.anewspring.com/do?action=home&dl=fr.
Replace example.anewspring.com for the URL to your own learning environment.
The language of the environment after logging in and logging out
After logging in, the environment is shown in the language set in the account settings of the user.
After logging out, the page is shown again in the default language of the environment and not in the language specified in the URL.
The next time the user goes to the learning environment without using the URL with the language code, the login page will be shown in the default language of the environment.
If you want to see the login page and catalogue in a language other than the default language of the environment, you always have to go to the learning environment via the URL that contains the language code.
If the user goes to the learning environment via the URL with language code, but doesn't log in and later opens the learning environment again (via the URL without language code), the browser will remember the language that was in the URL with language code so the login page will be shown in the language of the URL with language code.
Using the catalogue
If users go to the environment via the URL with the language code, the catalogue will also be shown in the language of this language code of the URL.
All steps for purchasing a catalogue product are also shown in the language specified in the URL.
The language that the learner then chooses when filling in the personal data fields when purchasing a product, will be the language setting for their account and is the language in which they receive e-mails about their purchase.