○ The features of the Text Editor
Wherever you can enter text in aNewSpring you come across the editor. The features that are available in the editor depend on what text you edit. For example, learners see fewer features than the designer.
The author has most features available and this article explains the most special features.
By hovering over a feature, a tooltip will show you the name of the feature.
Click the last icon to make the text editor as large as your screen. Click the icon again to minimize the editor.
Personalise text by adding parameters to questions and content parts by using the 'Text' content type in the Plus-editor.
Use the formatting styles to format the text. They are connected to the Look & Feel settings.
- Normal = Text font under the heading Text fonts and colours
For content parts and questions created in the Plus-editor, the settings under Content parts and plus editor will be applied.
- Heading 1 = Heading font
- Heading 2 = Subheading font
- Heading 3 = Sub-subheading font
- Paragraph = Paragraph font
Text colour
With this setting, you can give your text an alternative colour. The tenant can set up to 5 colours in the look & feel settings under the heading Colour palette for content parts and questions at Text colour. This ensures that you will always use the same colours, which improves consistency. Even if the colour changes because of an adjustment in the corporate identity, the used text colour will be adjusted everywhere in the content.
The colours shown in the palette depend on the look & feel settings of the subenvironment. Are there more look & feels set with different text and/or background colours? Then the colour can be different when the question or content part is viewed in a different subenvironment.
In this way, you can also add a background colour to the text, see Background colour at the bottom of this article.
Numbered list
Click to make a numbered list. You can change some properties by clicking the list with your right mouse button while keeping the CTRL / Command button pressed. Then click Numbered List Properties.
You can then choose:
- Lower Roman
- Upper Roman
- Lower Alpha
- Upper Alpha
- Decimal
Bulleted list
Click to use a bulleted list. You will see a disc by default. You can change this by clicking the list with your right mouse button while keeping the CTRL / Command button pressed.
After clicking Bulleted List Properties, you will get these options:
- Circle
- Square
Select a text and link to an external website.
Click and enter the URL and the editor automatically changes the protocol to HTTP or HTTPS.
If learners click the link, the website will be opened in a new window.
You can remove the link from the text by selecting it and clicking.
LaTeX formula
You can add mathematical formulas using the LaTeX Editor by clicking. On the website https://www.codecogs.com/latex/eqneditor.php you can create formulas and put their code in the editor, so learners see the desired formula.
You can influence the style of the text by adding more to the formula. See the heading 'Formatting mathematics symbols' in the Wikibooks article 'LaTeX/Mathematics for this.
You can add mathematical formulas by using the ∑ icon.
Add supporting file
Add for example PDF or Word files as a supporting file so learners can download it, by clicking .
If you want to upload multiple files, you can select multiple files from a folder on your computer and upload them all at once.
Linking to another content part
Click to refer to another content part. A link will appear; if clicked, the other content part appears in a pop-up.
Code snippet
allows you to add a piece of code to the text. The code is only shown, without being executed on the page. This can be useful, for example, when you are creating a learning journey about how to use HTML.
Insert a table
After clicking, a pop-up will appear in which you can indicate how many rows and columns the table should consist of.
If you set Headings, the text in that row or column will be displayed as bold.
Once the table is in the editor, you can change settings afterwards by clicking the table with your right mouse button while keeping the CTRL / Command button pressed.
Because a table has a fixed layout, it will not automatically change size depending on the screen size. This means that the page might not be responsive. There is a chance that learners will have to scroll to see all data in the app or on a small screen.
Do you want to add an advanced table in aNewSpring or have you already created one in Excel? Then use a tool like Tables Generator in which you create and/or import tables directly. You can convert the table to HTML which you can add in aNewSpring via de Plus editor, HTML.
Remove formatting
If you copy and paste text from Word, for example, a part of the formatting will be copied and pasted in the content part. If there is still something left, then you can click to remove the formatting to make the text consistent with all other content parts and questions.
Click to enter the HTML mode of the editor and view the source code. You can add HTML code yourself. By clicking
again you return to the editor mode.
Background colour
Add colour to the background of your text. This works the same as the text colour described earlier. The tenant can set 5 colours in the setting of the look & feel, under the heading Colour palette for content parts and questions at Background colour.
Background image
Add background images to your text by selecting an image under Background settings. Use the display options to decide how you want to display the image.