○ Which questions can I use in aNewSpring?
Question types in aNewSpring
aNewSpring has scorable and non-scorable question types. Scorable questions always contain a correct and incorrect answer. When creating scorable question, you always have to mark the correct answer(s).
For non-scorable questions there is no correct or incorrect answer. Non-scorable questions can be used for example as evaluation questions to ask learners about their experience or opinion.
Question types in aNewSpring
We offer various question types in the platform. Below you will find a list of all questions and below you can find an explanation about these different question types.
Scorable question types
- Multiple Choice
- Multiple Response
- Fill in the blanks - Text
- Fill in the blanks - Drag & drop
- Matching
- Hotspot
- Essay question
- Questionnaire
Non-scorable question types
- Multiple Choice
- Multiple Response
- Essay question
- Matrix
An explanation of all question types
Multiple Choice
This is the most standard question type used. In a Multiple Choice question only a single answer can be marked as correct. The learner can select only one answer when answering the question.
Multiple Response
In a Multiple Response question, multiple answers can be marked as correct. The learner can select more answers when answering the question.
Fill in the blanks - Text
In Fill in the blanks - Text questions the learner has to fill in a single missing or multiple missing words in a text.
You can choose between blank in sentence and/or blank in word.
With the option blank in sentence the learner has to fill in a word that is part of a complete sentence.
With the option blank in word the learner has to fill in a part of word to make the word complete.
Add synonyms when using the blank in sentence to mark multiple words as the correct answer.
Make text bold, italic or underlined by using the CTRL-B, CTRL-U and CTRL-I keys.
Do yo make use of numbers in the answers of your Fill in the blanks - text question? Then please note the following when using periods (.) and commas (,) in the answers.
If the option Allow only numbers is enabled periods (.) and commas (,) are recognized as decimal separators.
Example: '1.000'/'1,000' are recognized as '1' instead of '1000'.
If the option Allow only numbers is disabled, periods (.) and commas (,) aren't considered as decimal separators.
Example: '1.000' will then be considered as '1000'.
Fill in the blanks - Drag & drop
In Fill in the blank - Drag & drop questions, the words need to be dragged to the correct place in a text.
The answers are shown in separate blocks below the text where the learner has to place these blocks.
To make the question more challenging for the learner, you can add dummy answers. These answers don't belong somewhere in the text but will be added as extra answers from which the learner has to choose.
In a Hotspot question, learners have to click on a specified area in an image. If they click in this area, the question will be answered correctly. If they click outside this area, the question will be marked incorrectly.
In the article below, you can read more about creating Hotspot questions:
○ Creating Hotspot questions
Essay question
For the essay question type, learners can give in a text as an answer to the question. The instructor or learner can assess the answer by using the model answer that you have provided.
The model answer is only visible for learners if the learner has to assess the essay questions himself. If the intructor assesses the essay questions, the model answer is visible for instructors when assessing the question.
Feedback of the instructor is visible for the learner after assessing the question.
In Matching questions a learner needs to drag the answers to form the correct combination. This can be a combination of sound, images and/or text.
aNewSpring is not yet supported in mobile browsers. And while most features work fine, this is not entirely true for matching questions. Instead of dragging, you have to double press an answer. The system will move the answer to the next empty spot.
The matching question is fully supported in the aNewSpring app.
Questionnaire (scorable question type)
In a Questionnaire question you can add multiple questions below eachother on the same page. It includes a main question, with subquestions below the main question. You have two options here:
One set of options for all subquestions, where the answers are the same for alle subquestions. Per subquestion you mark have to mark the correct answer(s).
The other option is multiple answer options per subquestion: each subquestion will have different answers possibilities. Per subquestion you have to mark the correct answer(s).
In the Questionnaire question type you can indicate if the subquestion is a multiple choice or multiple reponse question. Both question types can be used in one Questionnaire question.
Matrix (non-scorable question type)
A Matrix question is the same as a Questionnaire question, but a Matrix question is a questions without a score.
You can add multiple subquestions under the main question.
In the article below you read more about setting up Matrix questions:
○ Matrix - Non-scorable question
Linking questions to activities
It depends on the activity type which question types can be linked to the activity. In some activities you can only link scorable question types, to other activities you can only link non-scorable question types and there is one activity type where you can link both scorable and non-scorable questions.
Activities to which you can link scorable question types:
- Lesson activity
- Assignment activity
- Assessment activity
Do you want to learn more about creating good scorable questions? Follow the Mini Masterclass and click the link below:
Mini Masterclass - Creating scorable questions
Activities to which you can link non-scorable question types:
- Lesson activity
- Inquiry activity
- Scan activity
- 360° feedback activity
- Form activity
- Reflection activity