○ Using conditions in an adaptive learning journey
You can release blocks and activities in different ways, but there are two specific conditions that are useful in an adaptive learning journey.
- You want to release learning objectives in a specific order in your adaptive learning journey.
- You want to release a certificate if (a part of) the learning objectives have been achieved.
What role do you need?
This article is an extension of the tutorial: Create an adaptive learning journey for learners and Display your adaptive learning journey based on learning objectives instead of activities .
Click the tab and
to the right of a template with an adaptive learning journey.
A) Release learning objectives in a certain order
When there is a certain structure in your learning objectives, this condition is perfect. With this you can make sure that learners first work on, for example, easy learning objectives, and then on the advanced learning objectives.
1) Create a block for each 'group' of learning objectives.
Because you have to add the condition to a block, you create a separate adaptive block for each group of learning objectives that you want to release at a later time via the button
2) Add the condition
Then click on at the block and navigate to the Conditions tab.
You cannot add conditions to activities in an adaptive block, because these activities are automatically released if a learning objective has not been achieved yet.
Then choose the condition ... after learning objective "X" has a percentage of "X"% (Access will be denied once the percentage falls below the threshold).
B) Release a certificate if all, or a part of the, learning objectives have been achieved
You can release a certificate as soon as learners have achieved learning objectives.
1) Create a certificate and add it to the activity
You can only add a certificate activity to a block that is not adaptive.
2) Add the condition
click on at the certificate activity and choose the condition ... after learning objective "X" has a percentage of "X"% (Access will be denied as soon as the percentage falls below it again).
To do this, add as many of these conditions as there are objective groups. You can also select it as a learning objective.
Tip: Store knowledge in long-term memory first before the certificate is released
You can also think of using the MemoTrainer and adding, in relation to this, another condition: after a retention of "X"% is reached.