○ Settings of the MemoTrainer
In this article the options of the settings of the MemoTrainer will be explained.
Read more about the MemoTrainer in the following articles:
Choose the tab in the main menu and click on Edit next to the template where you want to configure the MemoTrainer.
Choose the Template tab and click Settings in the MemoTraining widget.
Learning objective settings
This setting can only be used when learning objectives are linked to questions in the MemoTrainer.
If you use objectives in the MemoTrainer, questions with the same MemoTrainer objective are interchangeable with each other. The knowledge intake consists of objectives. For example, learners can answer one question incorrectly from a list of 10 questions with the same MemoTrainer objective. This one incorrect question will probably be replaced in a new MemoTraining with another question that has the same objective. Only one question per learning objective will be given in a single MemoTraining.
If you do not use MemoTrainer objectives, the questions are not interchangeable with each other and learners should answer all questions correctly to get a knowledge intake of 100%.
In 'Linking objectives to questions in the MemoTrainer' you can learn how to link objectives to questions in the MemoTrainer.
Training type*
Test preparation: The intensity of the MemoTrainings will be adjusted to the time left for the learner to reach the training level.
Knowledge maintenance: Choose this option if there is no fixed exam date. The learner will continue to receive MemoTrainings until their course expires or when the learner has a retention of 100%.
Learners will not always receive the amount of questions that is set up at the 'Maximum number of questions per MemoTraining'. You can read more about this in 'How does the progress of the retention work?'
The article about retention explains more about the settings of the training level and the frequency. Here you can read more about:
- The connection between the different training levels and knowledge rentention.
- Why the learner receives less MemoTrainings when the retention increases.
Training level*
The training level determines how intense the MemoTraining is. The higher the level, the more often questions will be repeated in the MemoTrainer to retrieve a retention of 100%.
How often a question must be answered correctly (X) depends on the training level set in the MemoTrainer settings:
- No repetition - 1x
- Sufficient - 2x
- Adequate - 3x
- Good - 4x
- Very good - 5x
- Excellent - 6x
If a learner answers the question incorrect and the sequence is therefore not completed, the sequence will be reset.
With this setting you determine if learner receive a MemoTraining once per week or daily. The default setting is daily. If you want to help your learners to get the knowledge saved in their long-term memory, it is better to keep the frequency setting of the MemoTraining once a day.
When the retention increases, there will be less MemoTrainings available for the learner.
Weekly schedule*
This schedule changes depending on the settings for the frequency. If you choose 'daily' you can choose on which days learners receive a MemoTraining. Learners can also change the settings of the days they want to receive a MemoTraining.
Text in the reminder e-mail
Under text in the reminder e-mail you can add text that will be sent to the learners when they receive a reminder e-mail about the MemoTraining when there is a new MemoTraining available
There is a default notification for new MemoTraining that you can edit but in the field for Text in the reminder e-mail you can add an extra text that will only be applied to this learning journey.
When the MemoTrainings are based on learning objectives, you can enable the option Show learning objectives in e-mail.
Learning objective sequence
If you make use of learning objectives, you can change the order of the learning objectives here and in which sequence they should be provided.
Possibilities during a MemoTraining™
Back to alter answers allowed: Learners can go back to alter the answers to questions. They can do this by clicking the 'Previous' button. Or by clicking the numbers in the navigation in bottom part of the screen. If the option is unchecked, learners will only see the 'Next' button in the bottom-right part of the screen.
Skip questions: Learners do not necessarily need to answer a question. Unanswered questions will be marked incorrect once the learner hands in the answers.
Has this option been unchecked? Then there will be a pop-up the moment the learner tries to skip a question and it will warn them that they can only continue when they answer the question first.
Back to overview (continue later): Learners will see the button 'Back to overview'. The activity can be continued another time.
* Learners can adjust the settings
All settings marked with a * are adjustable for the learners. This is not possible when the setting 'Learner is allowed to change MemoTrainer settings' is disabled.
When you change the settings of the MemoTrainer while the template has been published already, this doesn't have any effect on the learners that already started the learning journey. Learners that will be subscribed after changing the settings, will see the new MemoTraing settings.