○ Add an explanation to a block
- You want to add information as explanation for a block to let learners know what they can expect in the next block.
- You want to add an image (banner) or video above a block to make a clear distinction between the different blocks of your learning journey and to better structure the learning journey.
Required roles
In a template, click Settings next to a block. Under Explanation for block you can link a content part or add text via the text editor that will be shown as the explanation for the block.
You can also specify more settings here how the explanation for the block should be displayed.
1) Placement of the explanation
Choose here whether the explanation for the block should be shown above or below the name of the block.
Example of placing the explanation above the name of the block:
Example of placing the explanation below the name of the block:
2) Behaviour
With this setting you indicate whether or not the explanation should be shown when the block with activities is collapsed.
Choose Display the explanation even when the block is collapsed if you still want to show the explanation of the block when block with the activities is collapsed.
In this example, the block with activities has been collapsed, but the explanation is still shown:
Choose Hide explanation when block is collapsed if you also want the explanation to be hidden when the block with activities is collapsed. In the example below, the block with activities has been pasted in and the explanation is no longer shown:
3) Styling
Here you set up whether you want to add a background and border to the explanation of the block.
For text content, adding a background and border is recommended around the explanation, so the text will be readable. Choose the option A background and border around the explanation:
If the explanation contains an image or video (visual content), you can choose the option No background and border around the explanation. If you choose this option, you can also choose if you would like to show a shadow around the explanation block.
This setting is less clear when you add textual content to the explanation of the block: