
  • The subscription of a learner is about to expire. They have indicated they need more time to complete the course. 
  • The course has an end date, but you want to give certain learners an alternative end date.

Extending a subscription might require a renewal of the learners license. If you want to know more about licenses and renewals, see the following article: how do I manage the licenses of learners?

1) Extend the course for a single learner

You can do this in one of two ways: via the user account, or via the tab Learners in the course settings.

Via the user account

Go to and click the dot under 'learn' column to go directly to those user's learner settings.

Click the date to the right of the course and tick the box next to Alternative end date learner. Next, click Update to save your changes. 

Via the Learners tab in the course settings

Go to and click on Learners next to a course. This will open the Learners tab in the course settings. Here you can also adjust the end date in the column Expires

If you cannot extend a subscription, it is probably because the subscription status is 'New'. 

2) Extend the subscription for all learners

Go to the tab Settings in a course and adjust the preservability settings. Select a date in the future. 

Click Update and go to the tab Learners. You will see the expiry date has been adjusted, except for learners that already had an alternative end date.

Learners with the status 'Expired' can be reactivated by selecting them and then clicking .

If you are having issues extending subscriptions, the following article might be of use to you: I subscribe a learner to a course. Why is the status 'Expired' the next day?