
  • You have several courses which are a bundle together. The courses follow one another and you want learners to be able to start the second one after the first has been completed.

Which roles do you need?

  • Designer
    Sets the template
  • Administrator
    Sets the bundle

In order to release courses conditional, the system needs to know when exactly a course has been completed. Therefore, an activity must be added that completes the learning journey.

Go to  and click  at the first template of the bundle.

1) Create a new block with conditions

Add conditions that ensure that the block is not available until all mandatory other blocks/activities have been completed.

Block-level conditions provide flexibility. You can no longer add or remove conditions after the template has been published.
But you can always add a new block with new conditions, and move activities to the new block so that the new conditions take effect.

2) Add an activity to the block

With this activity, the learning journey will be completed. This can be a certificate, or simply a lesson with a content part explaining that learners have completed this learning journey and can start with the second in the bundle.

Is the template already published? Then make sure that the new block is also published. Click in the template at the block on.

3) Set the course completing activity

Go to the Template Settings tab.

At the bottom of the page, you will find the Advanced Settings panel where you can set the Course completing activity

4) Repeat steps 1 to 3 for all templates in the bundle

5) Set conditions on the bundle

Go viato the Bundles tab.


Click onof the second course to add a condition. Determine which course must be completed first before this one will be unlocked.

The icon  indicates whether a condition has been added. Click on it to change the set course.

If you want, you can add conditions for all the courses in the bundle this way.

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