
  • You have created an activity in a template that you would like to use again in the same template. To do this quickly and easily, you can copy the activity.
  • You have created an activity in another template that you also would like to add in another template. To do this quickly and easily, you can copy this activity and add it to your other template.

1) Open the template in which you want to add a copied activity

Go to the Templates tab and click Edit next to a template.

Click .

2) Select the activity/activities you would like to copy

On the page you will see all templates that are available in your learning environment. Unfold a template and select the block(s) and/or activity/activities you want to copy and add to the template.

Click Next at the bottom of the page or click the Settings tab. Here you can indicate where you want to add the copied activities and/or blocks in the template.

There are several options here:

1. Add in existing block: with this option you can add the activity to an existing block in the template. Select in the drop-down menu to which block the activity should be added.

2. Add while retaining the existing structure: this adds the copied activity to the template and creates a copy of the original block. The copied activity is added under the copy of the original block.

3. Add in a new block with the name: .....: The copied activity is added to a new block at the bottom of the template.
With this option you can also enter the name of this new block and indicate whether this should be an adaptive block by checking the option Adaptive block.

4. Add every activity in its own block: When you copy multiple activities at the same time, with this configuration these individual activities are all added to separate blocks.

The names of the new blocks will have the same name as the copied activities.

Click Update to add the activity to the template.

If you want to copy an activity/block in the same template, choose the activity/block from the template you are currently working in.