This article contains information about the Content Converter. This is an external tool that can convert aNewSpring content to Word and vice versa. More information about the Content Converter can be found on this page.

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General settings

1) Start with the title of your page

Always start with a new paragraph before adding a new question or content part. 

The title in your Word document is the title that will be shown in aNewSpring: 

Apply the Title style to the title of your content:

The maximum length of the title is 250 characters. Any characters above this limit will be ignored during conversion. 

In aNewSpring, the title is optional. If you don't want to add a title, put the [page] tag in the Title style

2) Add general page settings by using tags

For more information on how to use tags, check out this article

You can use the following tags for content and questions. These are placed between your title and the actual content. 

  • [name]
  • [id]
  • [size]


Using this tag, you set the name that is shown in the overview of your content library for this content part or question. Keep in mind that this name is also visible to learners in the table of contents within activities. 

In the example below, you see that the tag [name:page1] has been added. This means that 'page1' will be shown as the name of the content in aNewSpring. 

A name is mandatory. If you do not add a [name] tag, the Converter will use the title. If there's also no title, the Converter will use the ID as name.


Unlike the name, the ID is not visible to learners. In the content library, content is sorted alphabetically by ID. IDs help you structure and sort your content. 

In the example below, we use the tag[id:001] . The ID of the content will then be '001':

If you do not give your content IDs, the Converter will give all your content unique IDs. This will look something like this in aNewSpring:


With this tag you can set the size of the canvas of your content page. You can find more information about the canvas in this article:

You can set the width either in pixels or percentage. 

The minimum width is 10% or 143 pixels. The maximum width is 100%. This will display the content on 100% of the learner's screen, minus the menu visible in the activity. It depends on the dimensions of the learner's screen if they will have to scroll horizontally. When you use pixels to set the width of the canvas, there is no maximum.

In the first example, the width is set to 500 pixels. In the second example, it is set to 50%. The tags used here are respectively[size:500px] and[size:50%]:

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