
  • You want learners, who are going to the same event, to be enrolled for the same learning journey. 
  • You want learners to choose which event they want to go before the start a learning journey.

Necessary role to do this


1) Adding one ore more events to a course

2) Create a product in the catalogue

When you click on the link above you will enter the tutorial that explains how to create a product in the catalog. In step 5 you will see the tab Settings and pricing with the Event settings

Choose Show the events insight the catalogue to show only the existing events in the learning journey.  

Tick the box Allow learners to enrol to all events before purchasing the course when learners are already allowed to register for the events when purchasing or adding the product. The registration becomes definitive as soon as they are added to the learning journey.

The learners only see the option to enrol for events when they are logged in and therefore already have an account. 

Registration for the event is not mandatory for learners, they can skip this step.

They can also enrol themselves afterwards via the event activity in the learning journey. 

Example of the enrolment in a product in the catalogue