○ Copy a template
- You have built a template in the past and you want to use this template as a basis for creating a new learning journey.
- You have built a template and want to reuse a large part of the activities of this template and possibly add new activities. By copying the template you don't have to set up all activities again.
Required roles
1) Copy a template
There are two ways to copy a template. The first way is by going to the page and click More > Copy next to the template you want to copy.
The other option is by opening the template you want to copy. Then you will find the More button at the top right. Click on this and then you will see the Copy option in the row. Click Copy to copy the template.
2) Give the new template a name and make a choice about the content libraries
After you clicked the Copy button, a pop up will appear where you can name the new template.
In this pop up you can also determine what should happen regarding the content libraries of the templates. There are two options:
1. Link the new copied template to the same libraries as the original template
With this option, the content libraries linked to the original template will also be linked to the new template.
This means that when you make changes to the content in the copied template, within questions and content parts, these changes will also be visible in the original template where this content is used. This is because both templates use the same content because of the same content libraries that are linked to the templates.
2. Make a copy of the linked content libraries too and link it with the new copied template
This option not only makes a copy of the template but also makes a copy of the linked content libraries that are linked to the original template.
You can recognise the copied content libraries by the name of the original content library with a [1] at the end.
If you choose this option and there are multiple content libraries linked to the original template, all content libraries will be selected by default to be copied.
You can also choose not to copy all content libraries. In that case, deselect the content libraries that you don't want to make a copy of, but whose original content library should be linked to the copied template.
After the correct settings have been chosen, click OK. The template will now be copied and the copied template will open immediately.
When copying the template, all settings of the original template will be applied to the copied template. For example, settings of the MemoTrainer, conditions on activities and template notifications are also copied if these are set in the original template.