In aNewSpring, there are two ways in which you can have add another attempt for the learners.

  • Assessment activity with multiple attempts.
  • Preparing multiple activities after each other with conditions.

Which roles do you need?


Go to the Templates tab and click Edit at the template. Under the tab Template and the Blocks & activities tab you can click +Activity .

1) Assessment with multiple attempts

For this, see step 2 of the article Setting up an assessment.

You can also have the assessment generate an assessment with random questions so that learners won't see the same questions in the new attempt.

2) Add multiple assessments to the template and set conditions

If you want different settings for the new attempt, for example a higher passing threshold, then it is best to add multiple assessments in the course and then set conditions for these.

a) First add an assessment

More information: Setting up an assessment.

b) Copy the first assessment to turn it into the new attempt

Click on .

Then go through the list of templates and look up the assessment. Then select Add to existing block under Configuration. Then select the block with the current assessment.

c) Set a condition for the new attempt

Click Edit at the new attempt. You can change the name and further settings first.

Then go to the Conditions tab and add the condition
... after activity "X" is completed with result "X". "X" is passed or failed. Select the first assessment and choose failed.

Check the Hide unavailable activity checkbox if you do not want this attempt to be visible to the learners until it is applicable.

Step B can be repeated until the desired number of attempts.

Related articles

Do you want to learn more about creating assessment activities? Follow the Mini Masterclass in our Academy. Click the link below:

Mini Masterclass - Creating assessments