○ API calls - Bundles
These API calls make it possible to:
- get information about existing bundles and bundle courses
- get information about bundle course subscriptions
- (un)subscribe learners to/from bundle courses
- subscribe learner groups to bundle courses
aNewSpring has bundles that consist of multiple templates. A bundle can have multiple bundle courses that consist of multiple courses.
You can subscribe learners and learner groups to a bundle course, they can then do multiple courses.
Support articles:
API calls
The Bundle API calls are only available when the Bundle functionality have been enabled by the Tenant at the tab Settings.
You can view more information and an example of each API call in the API Documentation by clicking the titles below. However, all links go to the /apidocs page of a demo environment that you cannot use for your own testing purposes.
To test the API calls, you will need to change the first part of the URL to match the right learning environment.
GET requests
GET /getBundles
Use this to get all bundle templates that have an external ID. You can also get bundle templates without IDs by setting the parameter includeWithoutId to true.
GET /getBundleCourses/{bundleID}
or GET /getBundleCourses?bundleUID={bundleUID}
Use this to get all bundle courses of a specific bundle template. You will need to use the external ID (bundleID) or UID (bundleUID) of the bundle template.
GET /getBundleCourseSubscription/{userID}/{bundleID}
or GET /getBundleCourseSubscription?userUID={userUID}&bundleUID={bundleUID}
Use this to get the bundle subscription details of a user for a specific bundle course. You will need to use the external IDs (userID/bundleID) or UIDs (userUID/bundleUID) of the user (learner) and the bundle course.
GET /getBundleCourseSubscriptions/{userID}
or GET /getBundleCourseSubscriptions?userUID={userUID}
Use this to get all bundle course subscriptions of a specific user. You will need to use the external ID (userID) or UID (userUID) of the user.
POST requests
POST /subscribeBundle/{userID}/{bundleCourseID}
or POST /subscribeBundle?userUID={userUID}&bundleCourseUID={bundleCourseUID}
Use this to subscribe a specific learner to a specific bundle course. You will need to use the external IDs (userID/bundleCourseID) or UIDs (userUID/bundleCourseUID) of the user (learner) and bundle course.
POST /subscribeGroupBundleCourse/{bundleCourseID}/{learnerGroupID}
or POST /subscribeGroupBundleCourse?bundleCourseUID={bundleCourseUID}&learnerGroupID={learnerGroupID}
Use this to subscribe a specific learner group to a specific bundle course. You will need to use the external IDs (bundleCourseID/learnerGroupID) or UIDs* (bundleCourseUID) of the bundle course and learner group.
*UIDs don't exist for learner groups.
POST /unsubscribeBundle/{userID}/{bundleCourseID}
or POST /unsubscribeBundle?userUID={userUID}&bundleCourseUID={bundleCourseUID}
Use this to unsubscribe a specific learner from a specific bundle course. You will need to use the external IDs (userID/bundleCourseID) or UIDs (userUID/bundleCourseUID) of the user (learner) and bundle course.