The API (and other kinds of integrations) makes use of external IDs in aNewSpring. This way the integration knows e.g. which user or course to target when performing an automated action.

As an alternative to external IDs, many API calls also support automatically generated UIDs.

Below you will find how and where to set the external ID of each concept:

Access code group (groupID)

You can't view or manually set an external ID for an access code group. Create a new access code group with the API and that's when you also set its external ID:
POST /addAccessCodeGroup/{ID}

Activity (activityID)

If you open the template and then click Edit at an activity, you can go to the Properties tab and scroll down to Advanced settings to set the external ID:

Calendar item (UID)

You can't view or manually set an external ID for a calendar item. Create a new calendar item with the API and that's when you also set its external ID:
POST /addEvent/{courseID}/{UID}

Content Library (contentLabelID)

Go the Content tab and click Settings at a content library. Then scroll down to Advanced settings. You can fill in the external ID there:

Course (courseID)

If you go to the Templates tab and expand the template, you can click More at the course and then Settings. If you then scroll down to Advanced settings, you can fill in the external ID there:

Event (eventID)

Go to the Events tab and Open an event. Under the Details tab, go to Advanced settings and set the External ID there:

Profile (skillProfileID)

If you go to the profile and then the Competencies tab, you can scroll down to Advanced settings and set the external ID there.

Sub environment (resellerID)

Sub environments don't have an external ID by default. Unfortunately, you can't set this yourself, but if you contact us at we can set the external ID for you.

Template (templateID)

If you go to the template and then the Template settings tab, you can scroll down to Advanced settings and set the external ID there:

User (userID, teacherID)

Go to Users and click the Data button at the existing user. You can fill in the external ID there:

The user data field External ID is hidden by default. Please contact us at if you want to show this field to administrators. We can only enable this field if the request comes from an email address that is associated with a user that has the tenant role.

User group (groupID)

Go to Users, click the Groups button, go to one of the tabs (Instructors, Learners or Observers), click Edit at the existing group and go to the Settings tab. Expand the Advanced section and you can fill in the external ID there: