By linking PE-online to aNewSpring, you can send information from aNewSpring to PE-online. This allows you to award the learner accreditation points after completing an online course.

We charge an annual fee for the connection. Please contact us if you want more information on this.

If PE Online is already linked to your environment and you would like to set up a new template with the correct settings so the PE accreditation points will be awarded, you can follow this article from Step 3 of this article.  

1) Contact PE-online

PE-online will also charge you for the PE Online integration. After receiving their approval, you will receive an account and additional information to further set up the integration.

2) Provide information to aNewSpring

You will receive information from PE-online that we require to set up the link:

  • <userID>[will be provided to you]</userID>
  • <userKey>[will be provided to you]</userKey>
  • <orgID>[will be provided to you]</orgID>

In aNewSpring, we can enable a number of custom user account fields. We will use Custom1 to allow you to enter the OrgID/BIG number and/or OrgID/registration number that is registered with PE for the learner.

  • Inform us which combination you would like to use, and if you will use multiple OrgIDs.

If you use multiple numbers, you can separate them like this with a comma in the learner's Custom1 field:
OrgID/BIG number, OrgID/registration number

OrgID is defined by PE-online and linked to a register.

Nice to know:
  • If you use a single OrganisationID, we can include it in the link. You only have to enter the BIG and/or registration number in the Custom1 field then.
  • In case Custom1 is already in use, we will use another custom field.
  • You can include Custom1 when importing users via a .csv file. For more information, see our article about importing user.

3) Select how scores are sent to PE-online

How the integration between aNewSpring and PE Online works, depends on the way how PE Online receives the information that accreditation points have been awarded. The choice of one of these ways also depends on the type of accreditation in PE Online.

You can do this in one of three ways and accreditation points can be awarded based on:

  1. An activity that is set up as the 'course completing activity' of the learning journey. 
  2. A received certificate. The PE-Online ID should be set in the settings of the Certificate activity.
  3. A positive assessment on an Event (activity).
Type of accreditation
a. Based on a 'course completing activity'
b. Based on received certificates
c. Based on a (positive) assessment on an Event activity
Expertise groups / ICO / ICT
E-learning on demand
Course with physical events, accreditation of the total
Course with phyiscal events, accreditation per event

Below you can find an explanation of these options.

a) Configure a course completing activity

Go to the tab Templates and click Edit next to a template. Select the tab Template settings, and then Advanced settings.

Under Course completing activity, select an activity. Once that activity is completed by the learner, PE receives information to award accreditation points to the learner.

For example, this activity could be a lesson that becomes available once the learner has passed an assessment. You can use conditions to control when that activity becomes available.

Add the PE-online ID 

On template level

For the accreditation type:

  • Expertise groups / ICO / ICT
    (PE Course ID)
  • E-learning on demand
    (PE Course ID + PE Module ID)

Click Add ID to add the PE-online ID. You can find the necessary information in PE-online and add them in the respective fields. This information is necessary to further enable the link between both platforms.

On course level

For the accreditation type:

  • Courses with physical events, accreditation for the total
    (PE Course ID + PE Edition ID)

If every course under the template should contain a different PE-Online ID, you can also set up the PE-Online ID on course level. This can be done at the Advanced settings of a course on the Settings tab.

b) Add the PE-online ID to the certificate in the journey 

For the accreditation type:

  • Expertise groups / ICO / ICT
    (PE Course ID)
  • E-learning on demand 
    (PE Course ID + PE Module ID)

If your learning journey includes a certificate-activity, you can add the PE-online ID to the certificate. Click Edit next to the activity, select the tab Settings, and then Advanced settings.

As soon as the learner receives the certificate, information will be send to PE to award accreditation points to the learner.

Should learners participate in a single learning journey for multiple registers, you can add a certificate for each register to your learning journey. Each certificate can then use different PE data.

c) Add Event activities to your template and link events to these activities

If learner should achieve PE points after attending a physical event, you can add Event activities to the template and link events to these activities on course level. 

When creating new events, the PE Meeting ID can be added under Advanced settings in the settings of an event. 
Per event you can add multiple PE Meeting ID's. You also have to add the Course ID and Edition ID here.

You also have to set up the assessment settings. PE will only receive information to award accreditation when the event has been assessed. So set up a score with threshold for the activity or choose the option attendance. 

aNewSpring will only forward PE points if an assessment has been set up on the event. If 'no assessment' is chosen, no information will be forwarded to PE Online. 

If you make us of events and PE Meeting IDs it's not necessary to add Course IDs and Edition IDs to courses and/or templates. 

You can read more about creatin events in the following article:

○ Tutorial: Create events and use them in learning journeys

4) Testing the link

Once you have set up everything, it is time to test the link. Subscribe a learner to a test course and see if accreditation points are awarded in PE-online as soon as the learner has completed the course completing activity or achieved the certificate. 

Use a demo template while testing. Subscribing learners to courses of a demo template does not cost any licences.