
You put a lot of time and energy in building learning journeys and therefore you would like to know how learners experienced the learning journey and the learning environment. By collecting feedback you can improve your learning journeys.

The benefits of the Survey functionality

  • The Survey functionality helps you retrieve information and feedback from all courses under a template on the same place.
  • You can even use the same survey in multiple templates so you can collect the survey results from multiple templates in one overview. In this way you retrieve more information on the same place than using the Questionnaire activity where you can only see the results per course.
  • It's very easy to reuse survey questions in other surveys.
  • With the Survey functionality, administrators (with the permission to create and manage surveys) create the survey questions and not the authors and designers of the learning journey themselves. Authors and designers are often experts of the learning journey content, but may have less knowledge about creating the right questions to collect feedback on the learning journey. A dedicated professional with the right expertise can focus on creating a well thought-out set of questions.

Read the following articles to learn more about creating Surveys, setting up Survey activities in the template and analysing Survey results.