○ Creating and managing surveys
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Required roles
- Administrator: with the administator permissions to Analyse survey results and Create and manage surveys
- Author: to create new content parts and/or questions for the survey
Create Surveys
On thepage you can create new surveys and manage existing surveys. Create a new survey by clicking the button.
When creating a new survey, there are two options: choose an empty survey in which you can add your own questions and content parts.
There is also the option to choose the Satisfaction survey: this survey template contains fixed questions. It is possible to add more content parts or questions to this survey.
Give the Survey a name and click Create to create the Survey.
Manage Surveys
On the Surveys page you can manage existing surveys and view results. Click Open next to a survey to manage it.
On the Content tab you see the questions that are linked to the survey. On the Results tab you can see the results of the survey.
Edit surveys that are in use
If a survey is in use in a published template, it is possible to add questions or content parts to the survey or to hide content parts or questions.
The status of the activity will remain completed when the learner completed the activity before the survey was updated.
Newly added questions will be visible for learners that completed the activity before. They are also able to answer these questions.
Hidden content will also not be visible anymore for the learners that already completed the activity.
To hide a question or content part in a survey, select the question/content part and click Hide.
By using the buttons +Questions and +Content part you can create new questions or content parts and add these to the survey.
By using the Select content button you can add previously created content to the survey.
It is always possible to show re-add the hidden questions and content parts in the survey. Select the hidden content and click the Show button.
Results of hidden questions will no longer be visible on the Results tab of the survey.
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