○ Moderating assessments
As a moderator, you can have a variety of reasons to provide feedback on ratings provided by instructors. You will find different scenarios in What does a moderator do?
This article covers a few things:
- Moderation - the basics
- Moderating (video) hand-in assignments
- Moderating essay questions for assessments
- Editing a review
- Notifications
- When the instructor or moderator is no longer linked to the course
Which role do you need?
Observer - and the role of 'Moderator' within a course
Under the tab , the icon
shows whether you are a moderator of the course.
Click on it to get started right away.
Moderation - the basics
You can provide feedback on the assessments given on (video) hand-in assignments, essay questions in assessment activities, external activities and webinars.
This is shown in the Type column.
You can moderate assessments in two ways: per activity by clicking the Activities tab or per learner by clicking the Learners tab.
Click onto see the list of learners who have been assessed.
In addition to being a moderator, are you also a learner of the course? You cannot provide feedback on the assessment of your own submitted assignments.
Clickagain and see what learners handed in and what feedback and score they have received.
Scroll down to leave a review. Choose Upheld or Not Upheld with optional feedback text.
Click Moderate to confirm.
The given review is stated in the Review column of the table. The button is no longer blue and is changed to the button
. There are no more actions to take.
Moderating hand-in assignments
Because learners can make multiple attempts to complete the assignment and instructors can rate each attempt, some details apply regarding moderation:
- You can view all submitted versions, but only the version that completed the activity can be moderated.
- No review can be posted until the activity has been completed.
- When a review has been posted and the instructor does a reassessment in which the learner can still submit something, a new review can be given on the new completed version.
- If you are an instructor in the same course, you cannot moderate your own assessments.
Moderating essay questions of assessment activities
Assessments can have multiple attempts and contain multiple essay questions.
When you have moderated a review of an essay question and a learner submits new answers by retrying the test, your feedback will no longer be visible.
Instructors will see the new attempt without your previous feedback. Once instructors have assessed the new essay questions, you can moderate them again.
Editing a review
Click on View to see when a review has taken place and by whom.
All moderators in the course can view and edit the reviews. The adjustment will overwrite the current review and feedback text.
A moderator will receive automatically a notification in the platform and an e-mail when the instructor has made changes to the reviewed assessment. Communicating these updates proactively to the moderator, helps the moderation progress faster.
When the instructor or moderator is no longer linked to the course
It may happen that the instructor who gave you a review is removed from the course. In that case, the review will get a 'Read only' status and the review cannot be changed.
Do you see 'Moderator not registered' in a review? Then the moderator's account has been removed from aNewSpring.