Using the mutations overview of your learning environment, you can always check when licenses have been added or removed in your environment.


  • You want to have a monthly overview of how many licenses were used.
  • You want to see how many licenses have been used per subenvironment.

Required roles

  • Administrator

Viewing the mutations overview

You can find the mutations overview under Settings. Click on Mutations to open the overview.

You can set the period over which you want to create the report in the top left. The table will then show the following data: 

The date on which the license was added or used. 

The type of mutation. For most mutations, you will see USER_LICENSE here. If this says MANUAL, the licenses were added manually. This usually happens when we manually add licenses as the result of an order.

A short description of the mutation. The description shows if it is a user's first license (FIRST) or a renewal (RENEWAL). It also shows the user's full name at the time the license was provided. 

If you change a user's name, this will not change that user's name in any mutation in the mutations overview. The mutations overview always shows the user's name at the time the license was provided.

This column shows to which sub-environment the course the user was subscribed to was linked. If the course is linked to multiple sub-environments, this shows the sub-environment that comes first in alphabetical order. 

If you link a course to a new sub-environment, this will show in future mutations. Renewals within the course, however, will still show the sub-environment it was originally linked to. 

Credit and debit
These columns show how many licenses were added or deducted.


This column shows your license balance after the mutation.

Exporting the mutation overview

Click Export as CSV to export the overview as a CSV. You can edit this file in an application like Excel to further filter on dates and other data.