○ Frequently asked questions about licenses
How many licences do I have in stock?
You can see this on the Settings page of the learning environment under Annual licence balance. Here you can also buy new licences by using the Buy more button.
Read more about buying new licences: Buying licences.
Do unused licences expire?
Yes, unused licenses expire after two years. You can see when the licences are going to expire by clicking the Balance button under Annual licence balance on the Settings page.
Can I transfer a licence from one learner to another?
Once a licence has been used for a learner, you cannot transfer this license to another learner.
What is the validity of a licence?
Licences are valid for one year from the day the licence is activated by the learner.
When will the licence be activated?
If you subscribe a learner to a course, a licence will be deducted from your licence balance at that moment (when the learner doesn't have a valid licence yet).
The licence will be activated when the learner starts the course for the first time.
I use multiple subenvironments. Can I order licenses per subenvironment, or assign a specific amount of licenses to each subenvironment?
Licenses cannot be assigned to a specific subenvironment. You can however see in which subenvironment a license was used by opening the mutation's overview. You can find the mutations overview next to your licence balance under Annual licence balance on the Settings page.
How can I manage the licences and renewals of my learners?
Read more about managing licences and renewals on the Manage renewals page here: How do I manage the licences of the learners?