○ Frequently asked questions about licenses
How many licences do I have in stock?
On the Settings page you can see the licence balance under Annual licence balance.
Here you can also buy new licences. Read more about buying new licences in the article below:
Can I receive a notification when I am running out of licences?
Yes! If you click the blue link Click here under Annual licence balance you can set up what the number of licences should before this notification will be sent. and select the recipients of this notification.
You can only select users with the Tenant role here, because Tenants are the only users that have access to the Settings page and can see the licence balance.
Do unused licences expire?
Yes. Purchased licences expire after two years if they aren't used. On the Balance page you can see when the licences are going to expire. Click the Balance button on the Settings page under Annual licence balance to open this page.
Tenants also receive an e-mail 3 months before licences are going to expire if there are licences in the balance purchased almost two years ago.
What is the validity of a licence?
Licences are valid for one year from the day the licence is activated by the learner.
When will the licence be activated?
If you subscribe a learner to a course, a licence will be deducted from your licence balance at that moment (when the learner doesn't have a valid licence yet).
The licence will be activated when the learner starts the course for the first time. From that day the licence will be valid for one year.
Can I transfer a licence from one learner to another?
Once a licence has been used for an account of a learner, you cannot transfer this license to another learner account.
Do I have to pay a licence per course subscription of a learner?
No. Within one licence year you can subscribe the learner to multiple courses on the same licence. You don't have to pay a licence per course subscription per learner.
Will a licence be deducted for users with other roles than the Learner role?
No. Only for users with the Learner role with a course subscription a licence will be deducted from the licence balance.
For example a user with only the Instructor role will not cost a licence.
I make use of multiple subenvironment. Should I buy licences per subenvironment? Can I see the amount of licences used per subenvironment?
Licenses cannot be assigned to a specific subenvironment. You can however see in which subenvironment a license was used by opening the Mutations page. You can find the Mutations overview by clicking the Mutations button next to your licence balance under Annual licence balance on the Settings page. Read more about the Mutation overview and the information you can find on this page in the article below:
○ The mutations overview of licences
How can I manage the licences and renewals of my learners?
On the Manage renewals page (you can open this page via the Users page) you can manage the licences of learners and see which licences will be renewed in the upcoming period (if the option 'Licence is renewable is enabled').
In the article below you can read more about managing the licences of learnes: