360° feedback activity

360° feedback is the same as a scan, but learners can invite someone to also fill in the questions after finishing the questions.  This way the learner can compare the answers to get a good overview of the progress.


Learners can add comments: This option will make it possible for learners to add comments to the questions.
Assessor assesses anonymously: Those who assess the 360° feedback will do this completely anonymously. The learner won't see which answers come from which assessor.
External assessor allowed: The learner can invite people from outside the learning environmentto assess the 360° feedback activity

Invitation settings

Extra information: You can add extra text here that the assessors will see in their invitation mail. The default text sent is:

Dear "name",  
You can start the activity "name + link" here.
Thank you in advance.
With kind regards,
"Name learner".

Scan activity

Scan is a self-assessment where you can use questions without a score. You could also place content parts in the activity.
Scans work with so-called measures. These are assessment scales where the learner can achieve a certain score on the measure. 

You can bundle measures by placing them in a profile. Learners then see a score per measure, but also what the total score is on a profile.

To create a profile, you would have to use evaluation matrix questions with measures. See our article 'Evaluation matrix question'.


Learners can add comments: This option will make it possible for learners to add comments to the questions.
Show total profile score in results: This option will show the learner the recap of the profile score.


Inside the profile you would have to select the measures which you would like to use in the scan. Measures are competences for which the learners can achieve a certain score. They are defined in the content. You can create multiple profiles.

Click the button New profile and fill in the profile name and description. Choose the right measures for that profile. Click Create.

Do you want to read more about setting up the Scan or 360 degrees activity? Then read the following article:

○ Tutorial: setting up the Scan or 360° feedback activity with measures and profiles