
  • You want to know when learners have been subscribed to a course so you can send an invoice to your customer for the number of licences that have been deducted for these subscriptions.
  • You would like to have an overview of the time between the subscription date on a course and the actual start date of the learner in this course.

Which role do you need?

Administrator, instructor

In this tutorial we will create a report in which you can see on what date learners were subscribed to a course and when the participants started with this course.

Click the tab Reports. There is no default report for the report we are going to make.
Click + Reportingto create a new report.

1) Select type

When you create a report to view the subscription date and start date of a learner of a course choose Results.

2) Select columns

For the columns, we select the options that are relevant to get the desired information:

  • Full Name (User)
  • Course name (Enrolment)
    This column is very helpful in case you run the report for more courses at the same time.
  • Subscription date (Enrolment)
  • Start date (Enrolment)

3) Group rows (optional)

In this step you can determine on what data the rows should be defined.
This is an optional setting. If you do not set up anything here, on each separate row the data for one learner will be shown in the report.

4) Filters (optional)

In the fourth step you can select the course(s) the report should be about. This is optional. You can also select the course(s) at the moment you are going to run the report.
You can also add filters in this step. This is also optional.

5) Sorting (optional)

In this step you can indicate whether you want the results in the report to be sorted in a certain way.
This is an optional step and could therefore be skipped.

6) Run and view the report

The report is now finished and it's time to review it. To do this, click Next or Execute.

Do you still want to change something in the report? Then click Edit.

By clicking on Export the system generates a .csv file that you can use to work with the data of the report, for example in Excel or another external program.